

2010年、アンジェリーナ・ジョリーがUNHCR親善大使としてボスニア東部の村近郊にいる難民のもとを訪れたときの写真。 © UNHCR/Aziz
© UNHCR/Aziz


初めてメガホンを執った作品は、ボスニア紛争をテーマにした『In the Land of Blood and Honey イン・ザ・ランド・オブ・ブラッド・アンド・ハニー(仮)』は日本初上映にあたり、アンジェリーナ・ジョリーからのメッセージが届けられた。

難民映画祭のみなさん。“イン・ザ・ランド・オブ・ブラッド・アンド・ハニー”への応援 ありがとうございます。すばらしい映画と芸術の祭典に参加でき大変光栄です。

会場のみなさん、ようこそ。作品の中で みなさんは ボスニアが直面した痛ましい歴史にあえて触れることになります。国際社会があの紛争にすぐ効果的に介入できなかったこと。難しい題材ですが、このことを追及する必要性と重要さを感じます。




それでは “イン・ザ・ランド・オブ・ブラッド・アンド・ハニー”をご覧下さい。


Thank you to the UNHCR Refugee Film Festival for your support of our film, “In the Land of Blood and Honey”.  It’s an honor to be included in this incredible celebration of film and art.

I also want to thank you all for being here tonight, and for your willingness to revisit a very painful period in the history of Bosnia.We set out to make a film that explored the effect of war on people, and to grapple artistically with the international community’s failure to intervene in conflicts in a timely and effective manner.  It is not an easy subject matter, but we believe that it is an important and a necessary one to explore. 

“In the Land of Blood and Honey” is not just an exploration of the toll war takes on people – it is also a celebration of the tremendous talent in the region. When I first visited Bosnia I fell in love with the country, the people and the culture. I made this film in part to focus the world’s attention on the art, the music and the vibrancy in the region.

I was touched by the warmth and hospitality of the Bosnians that I met and had the privilege of working with, and I was inspired by their courage and optimism.  The artists you are about to watch gave their all to tell this story, and were brave enough to use their personal experiences in the war to enrich and enliven the characters and the film. The cast came together across ethnic and religious lines to create this project.They are proof that even great divisions can be overcome when people acknowledge each other’s humanity and work towards a shared goal of a better future.

Now it’s my pleasure to introduce our film, In the Land of Blood and Honey.

Angelina Jolie, UNHCR Special Envoy


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