

Refugees cannot be returned or expelled to a country where their lives or physical integrity are at risk of being violated and in no circumstances shall be returned to their country of origin. The recognition of refugee status also interrupts any process of extradition and prevents the expulsion of the refugee, except for reasons of national security or public order. If you are prosecuted and face an extradition or expulsion procedure, you have the right to free legal assistance, provided by a Federal Public Defender.


No one can have their rights restricted due to their skin color, gender, age, sexual orientation, social situation, economic conditions or religion. Racism is a crime in Brazil.


Refugees have the right to have a work permit, which allows them to formally work in the country. They are entitled to the same labor rights as any other worker in Brazil. Brazil forbids children under 14 years of age to work, and also prohibits sexual exploitation and work in slavery-like conditions.

Freedom of movement

Refugees have the right to move freely throughout the Brazilian territory.

Protection against sexual or gender-based violence

In Brazil, men and women have the same rights. Thus, any form of violence against women, based on gender or sexual orientation, is a crime. Women who are victims of violence have the right to medical assistance and to report the criminal act through the hotline 180 or by going to police stations specialized in combating violence against women.


Refugees, like any other foreigner, can and should be assisted in any public hospitals or health centers in national territory.


Refugees have the right to attend public schools – be it Elementary, Middle or High schools – as well as to take part in professional and technical capacity building public programs. Refugees can also access higher education institutions in the same system as Brazilian citizens or through entry programs specifically designed for the refugee population in Brazil.

Freedom of religion

Brazil is a secular country, where freedom of religion, belief and cult are guaranteed.

Flexibility regarding country of origin required documents

According to article 43 of the Brazilian Refuge Law, Brazilian institutions should consider the difficulty of refugees in obtaining and presenting documents issued in their countries of origin and/or consular and diplomatic representations.


Refugees recognized in Brazil have the right to obtain the National Registration of Foreigners (RNE), the identification document for foreigners in Brazil; a definitive work permit (CTPS); a Brazilian Tax Number (CPF) and a travel document. Further information on how to apply for those documents can be found in the “Documentation” section in this booklet.

Permanent Residence

Recognized refugees in Brazil may apply for permanent residence after 4 (four) years in the country, counting from the date of the recognition of their refugee status. For further information on how to request permanent residence, please refer to the “Documentation” section in this booklet.

Family Reunification

A refugee who is recognized as such in Brazil has the right to family reunification. This means that his/her family members can also be recognized as refugees in Brazil, once they are in Brazilian territory. If your relatives are not in Brazil, it is possible to request assistance from CONARE to inform the Brazilian Consulate in the country where your relatives are, that you are a refugee recognized by the Brazilian government. This will facilitate the issuing of an appropriate visa for your family. However, the Brazilian Government does not have any programs to finance the relocation of refugees’ relatives to Brazil. To receive more information on how to bring your relatives to Brazil, please refer to UNHCR or to one of its civil society organizations.


Asylum seekers cannot be returned or expelled to a country where their lives or physical integrity are at risk of being violated. Protection against refoulement imposes on the Brazilian authorities the duty of guaranteeing access to the asylum process for all foreigners, especially at migration controls at borders, ports and airports.

No punishment for irregular entry

While their asylum claim is under analysis, asylum seekers have the right not to be investigated or fined for their irregular entry into Brazilian territory.


Asylum seekers have the right to ID documents (Provisional Protocol) and a temporary work permit (CTPS), which will constitute proof of their right to remain in Brazilian territory until the final decision of the asylum procedure.


Asylum seekers have the right to have a work permit, which allows them to formally work in the country. They are entitled to the same labor rights as any other worker in Brazil. Brazil forbids children under 14 years of age to work, and also prohibits sexual exploitation and work in slavery-like conditions.

Freedom of movement

Asylum seekers have the right to move freely throughout the Brazilian territory.


Asylum seekers have the right to attend public schools – be it Elementary, Middle or High schools – as well as to take part in professional and technical capacity building public programs.


Asylum seekers, like any other foreigner, can and should be assisted in any public hospitals or health centers in national territory.


No one can have their rights restricted due to their skin color, gender, age, sexual orientation, social situation, economic conditions or religion. Racism is a crime in Brazil.

Protection against sexual or gender-based violence

In Brazil, men and women have the same rights. Thus, any form of violence against women, based on gender or sexual orientation, is a crime. Women who are victims of violence have the right to medical assistance and to report the criminal act through the hotline 180 or by going to Police stations specialized in combating violence against women.

Freedom of Religion

Brazil is a secular country, where freedom of religion, belief and cult are guaranteed.


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