How to apply

In order to apply for asylum in Brazil, an individual needs to be in the Brazilian territory. At any moment after arrival in Brazil, a foreigner who considers him or herself a victim of persecution in his/her country of origin ought to look for a Federal Police Station or migratory authority at the border and request refugee protection. A foreigner who seeks asylum cannot be deported to a territory where his/her life and freedom are or could be at risk.

It is important to know that:
• It is not possible to apply for asylum outside of the Brazilian territory, in a Brazilian consulate or embassy abroad.

• The asylum claim is entirely free and can be made directly by the foreigner. The presence of a lawyer is not mandatory.

• The asylum claim can be made at the country’s border or within national territory.

• Irregular entry into national territory does not prevent the foreigner from claiming asylum to the competent authorities.

• All information provided by the asylum seeker shall be confidential and shall not be shared with authorities from his/her country of origin.

• The asylum claim can also be made on behalf of the family group which is accompanying him/her in Brazil.

• In the case of unaccompanied or separated children (under the age of 18), a responsible adult (guardian) will be designated via judicial procedure.

• It is not necessary to travel to or live in Brasília, where CONARE’s headquarters are located, in order to follow an asylum procedure. It is possible to get information on the asylum claim at any Federal Police station or through UNHCR’s civil society partners.