
How to send money to your country

Banks, specialized companies and currency exchange bureaus offer services sending money to other countries. You must find out whether these institutions are authorized to provide this service. You should therefore read the firm’s contract carefully and any doubts you have should be cleared up before contracting the service. Brazilian banks require you to be an account holder for at least 90 days before you are able to send money. The fee varies according to the quantity being sent. Generally, for a sum of R$300, the fee will be approximately R$31 (the fee charged by the Banco do Brasil).

Where to keep the money you receive

To open an account with a bank, the following documents are necessary: RNE (ID for foreigners) or CPF (Social security card) and a proof of address. In other words, you must be a legal immigrant.

Banks usually charge their customers a fee for opening and maintaining a bank account. However, there is the option to open a free current account which provides the basic essential services. More information about this option is available from bank branches.

Conta Fácil CAIXA
- To open a “Conta Fácil CAIXA” (“Easy Account” offered by Caixa Bank), all you need to show is your RNE (ID for foreigners) and CPF (Social Security card).
- Financial transactions in the “Conta CAIXA Fácil” are limited to a total credits or balance of R$ 2 000 per month. Cash deposits can be made at CAIXA branches and offices. However, checks can only be deposited at CAIXA branches.
- You are entitled to four bank statements per month free of charge. A fee at the current rates is charged from the fifth operation. There is no fee for maintaining the account or for making deposits or balance inquiries.
- Only Brazilians or residents in Brazil over the age of 16 may be holders of a “Conta CAIXA Fácil” account. To open and maintain the “Conta CAIXA Fácil” you cannot hold any other type of account in either Caixa Bank or any other bank.
- For more information about the “Conta CAIXA Fácil”, contact the Customer Service center on telephone 0800-726-0101.

Conta Popular Banco do Brasil
- The maximum monthly movement allowed for a “Conta Popular Banco do Brasil” (‘People’s Account’ offered by the Banco do Brasil Bank) is R$ 1000 (one thousand reais) per month, and holders of this account cannot hold a current account with any other financial institution.
- This account is more basic, for example, there are no checkbooks. However, with this simplified current account, it is possible to make withdrawals, deposits, take out small loans and make various payments at any Banco Popular branch.
- There is also a Visa debit card available to customers. It also offers the advantage of not charging a fee for the following transactions per month: four (4) bank drafts, four (4) banks statements and four (4) deposits.
- In order to open a “Conta Popular”, all you need do is bring a form of identification and CPF (social security card) to the Banco Popular, and fill out a form to open the account. The client will receive a bank card at home in about 30 days. There is no fee to open the account or for the card.


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