
Everyone residing in Brazil has the right to public health services, regardless of his/her immigration status. No one can be denied access to medical services.

What is the “Sistema Único de Saúde” (SUS) and how do I use their services

Brazilian legislation assures that the services of the “Sistema Único de Saúde” (SUS) are universal, free and open to anyone present in Brazil. Anyone residing in Brazil, including asylum seekers and refugees, has the right to be treated in a community health center. In order to do so, you must show your CPF (social security card) and provisional “Protocolo” document or RNE (ID for foreigners) at any hospital, clinic or health center and apply for your SUS Card. This card is free and can be used in any community health center throughout the country.

All hospitals and community health centers in Brazil are required to attend to refugees. In many locations, you can also find the “Unidades Básicas de Saúde” (UBS). At a UBS you can receive free basic services in pediatrics, gynecology, general medicine, nursing and dentistry. To find the UBS closest to you, click here: .

In extreme cases, you should seek help from “Unidades de Pronto Atendimento” (UPA) and Emergency Hospitals.

State Programs for STDs and AIDs:
Av. Pedro Teixeira, 25, Bairro Dom Pedro I
Telephone: (92) 2127-3559

“Farmacia Popular” (Community Pharmacy):
Avenida Autaz Mirim, 14, São José II

Rio de Janeiro
For the city of Rio de Janeiro, you can find the health center nearest to you by visiting this site:

São Paulo
Many refugees tend to go to UBS Sé (Rua Frederico Alvarenga, 259, Parque Dom Pedro. Telephone: (11) 3101-8841 / 3101-8833) and the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (Rua Dr. Cesário Mota Jr., 112 - Vila Buarque. Telephone: (11) 2176-7000).

Health precautions

You are residing in a tropical country with a hot and humid climate. It is very important that you take certain precautions:
- Drink a lot of water or juice every day, and make sure to keep children hydrated.
- Avoid eating fried foods and sweets every day. Try to substitute them for items such as roasted or grilled foods, vegetables and fruits.
- Bathing frequently is not only good for your health, but is also an integral part of Brazil’s hygiene culture.


In Brazil, parents are required to have their children vaccinated. Young children of asylum seekers and refugees can be vaccinated free of charge in public health centers. To know which vaccines children and adolescents should receive, consult the vaccination calendar in one of your city’s health centers.


It is a universal right to be able to play sports; all human beings have the right to practice whatever sport they want, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc.

Municipal and state governments provide “Centros de Esporte e Lazer” (CELs) (Leisure and Sports Centers), where people can take part in sports activities. Anyone can register to participate, as long as they meet certain requirements.

To register at a “Centro de Esporte e Lazer,” you can sign up for the desired activity. If it does not fit your schedule, you can use the walking track or the courts, as long as it is not necessary to sign up:

- 2 3X4 Photos
- 2 copies of your RNE (ID for foreigners) or your Protocol
- 2 copies of your CPF (social security card)
- 2 copies of a proof of residency

CELs locations:
Avenida “A”, s/n – Alvorada l Coordinator: Marilene Belém Taveira
Activities: activities for seniors, aerobic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, soccer, futsal, karate and volleyball. Telephone: 3214-2078

Address: rua Itaciara, s/n – Cidade Nova l. Coordinator: Joelma Gonçalves Martins
Activities: activities for seniors, aerobic gymnastics, volleyball, futsal and capoeira
Telephone: 3645-5676

Address: Avenida Pedro Teixeira, s/n Dom Pedro.
Coordinator: Gilmara de Souza Cruz
Activities: activities for seniors, aerobic gymnastics, volleyball, futsal and basketball
Telephone: 3657-0542

Address: Av. Perimetral, s/n. Conjunto Castelo Branco, Parque Dez.
Coordinator: Sérgio Mesquita Leão
Activities: activities for seniors, aerobic gymnastics, futsal, soccer, swimming, water aerobics, capoeira, volleyball and basketball.

Address: Rua Amazonino Mendes, s/n – Santa Etelvina.
Coordinator: Arnoldo
Activities: activities for seniors, futsal, soccer, swimming, water aerobics, activities for people with disabilities, handball, volleyball, basketball, aerobic gymnastics, karate and judo.
Telephone: 3228-2865

Address: Alameda Cosme Ferreira, 871 – Coroados II
Coordinator: Tarcisio Elder Pinto
Activities: activities for seniors, volleyball, futsal, soccer, swimming, water aerobics, capoeira and activities for people with disabilities.
Telephone: 3644-1050

Address: Avenida Constantino Nery
Coordinator: Simara Gracineide da Silva

Address: Rua São José, s/n – Santo Antônio (there is no charge to use this park for sports)
Coordinator: Piter Oliveira
Activities: activities for seniors, walking, futsal, swimming (including swimming for babies and for visually impaired persons), soccer, volleyball, basketball and water aerobics.
Telephone: 3675-1949

The state government also offers an Olympic village, where children and young people can play sports. The village is located in the Dom Pedro neighborhood, opposite the tropical hospital. The village provides facilities for swimming, volleyball, basketball, track and field, futsal, among other things. For these services, you must show the aforementioned documents and pay a R$10 fee.

Subsidized Restaurants

In São Paulo, there are 17 restaurant facilities called “Bom Prato” that offer full lunch for R$1 (one real). To locate the nearest one, look for the “Central de Atendimento da Rede Bom Prato.”

“Restaurantes Comunitários” (Community Restaurants):
Open from 11:00am until 2:00pm
Meals at R$ 1
- Samambaia: ADE/S - Conjunto 15, Lotes 01/02 - At the edge of the BR 060. Telephone: 3357-6916
- Ceilândia: QNM 01, Bloco 01 - Lote 01, Ceilândia Centro. Telephone: 3471-5115
- Riacho Fundo: Quadra 10, Conjunto 01 - Lote 01, Riacho Fundo II. Telephone: 3399-7632
- Recanto Das Emas: Av. Recanto das Emas, Quadra 01 - Lote 01, Centro Urbano. Telephone: 3333-4192
- Gama: Setor Central - Área. Especial, Complexo Esportivo do Gama, Estádio Bezerrão. Telephone: 33850801
- Santa Maria: Av. Alagados - Área Central, Adjacent to the Administração Regional building. Telephone: 33922655

Projeto Prato Cidadão
Meals at R$1.
- Centro: Rua Floriano Peixoto, 26
- Novo Israel: Rua Nova Jerusalém, s/n
- São José: Rua Autaz Mirim, 107
- Compensa: Avenida São Pedro, s/n, esquina com Matos Areosa
- Alvorada: Rua 12 - nº 361
- Jorge Teixeira: Rua Nova Esperança, 340

Rio de Janeiro
“Restaurantes Populares” (Community Restaurants):
- Bangu: Restaurante Popular Getúlio Vargas, Rua Francisco Real, 1780 - Bangu - Telephone: 3337-1772.
- Barra Mansa: Restaurante Popular Irmã Ruth, Av. Domingos Mariano, 452 - Centro - Barra Mansa - Telephone: (24) 3322-6779.
- Bonsucesso: Restaurante Popular João Goulart, Av. Brasil, 6431. Telephone: 2757-8874.
- Campo Grande: Restaurante Popular Maurício de Andrade, Rua Campo Grande, 880. Telephone: 2416-2057.
- Campos dos Goytacazes: Restaurante Popular Romilton Bárbara, Rua Lacerda Sobrinho, 72 - Centro. Telephone: 2738-1115.
- Centro: Restaurante Popular Central do Brasil (Betinho), Rua Senador Pompeu s/n. Telephone: 2334-9539.
- Duque de Caxias: Restaurante Popular D. Helder Câmara, Rua Frei Fidélis, s/n - Centro - Caxias - Telephone: 2671-4260.
- Irajá: Restaurante Popular Abelardo Chacrinha Barbosa, Av. Brasil, 19001 – Irajá.
- Itaboraí: Restaurante Popular Governador Mário Covas, Rua Dr. Pereira dos Santos, s/n - Centro.
- Jacarepaguá: Restaurante Cidadão Cidade de Deus, Estrada Marechal Salazar Mendes de Moraes, s/nº, Cidade de Deus.
- Madureira: Restaurante Popular Tia Vicentina, Av. Ministro Edgard Romero, 364. Telephone: 2333-5612.
- Méier: Restaurante Popular Josué de Castro, Rua Vinte e Quatro de Maio, 1.261. Telephone: 2334-8945.
- Niterói: Restaurante Popular Escritor Jorge Amado, Rua Mal. Deodoro - Esq. Visconde do Rio Branco, 30 - Centro. Telephone: 2620-3784.
- Nova Iguaçu: Restaurante Popular Madre Tereza de Calcutá, Av. Governador Roberto da Silveira, 950 - Centro. Telephone: 2668-8119.
- Resende: Restaurante Popular Vereador Francisco Quirino, Rua Leonel Joaquim Serra Filho, 209 - Jardim Tropical – Centro.
- Volta Redonda: Restaurante Popular Dolores de P. Matos da Silva, Rua Aristóclides Ribeiro 51 – Centro.

São Paulo
“Bom Prato” Restaurants:
Telephone: 0800-554566
Open Monday through Friday, from 10:30am until all 1,800 meals have been served.
Each meal is R$1. Breakfast is R$0.50
- 25 de Março – R. 25 de Março, 166 (downtown)
- Brás – Av. Rangel Pestana, 2327 (downtown)
- Brasilândia – Av. Parapuã, 1479
- Campos Eliseos – Largo Coração de Jesus, 28
- Capão Redondo – Av. Comendador Sant’Anna, 240
- Grajaú – Av. Dona Belmira Marim, 1959
- Guaianases – Rua Otelo Augusto Ribeiro,343
- Guarulhos – Ladeira Campos Sales, 43
- Heliópolis – Estrada das Lágrimas, 2608
- Itaim Paulista – Av. Marechal Tito, 4731
- Itaquera – Rua Victorio Santim, 247
- Jabaquara – Av. Engenheiro George Corbisier, 1351
- Jardim Ângela – Estrada M’ Boi Mirim, 4561
- Lapa – Rua Afonso Sardinha, 245
- Santana – Rua Dr. Zuquim, 532
- Santo Amaro – Av. Mario Lopes Leão, 685
- Santo André – Av. General Glicério, 710
- São Mateus – Av. Mateo Bei, 2604
- São Miguel – Rua José Otoni, 256
- Tucuruvi – Av. Nova Cantareira, 2099
- Vila Nova Cachoerinha – Av. Deputado Cantidio Sampaio, 140


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