
  جميع الحالات

Situation au Mali
Following violence, hostilities, human rights violations and a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in the northern part of Mali since January 2012, large numbers of Malians have been seeking refuge in Burkna Faso, Mauritania and Niger or displaced internally.

Nigeria situation
Since it began seven years ago, the insurgency in northeast Nigeria has mutated into a vast regional crisis confronting Nigeria and its three Lake Chad Basin neighbours – Chad, Cameroon and Niger.

Syria Regional Refugee Response
Over 4 million people have fled Syria since 2011, seeking safety in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and beyond. Millions more are displaced inside Syria and, as war continues, hope is fading fast

Central African Republic Regional Refugee Response
The Central African Republic (CAR) is one of the world’s poorest countries. It has been troubled by unrest for decades, but when a coup led by Seleka rebels ousted the president in March 2013, an already fragile population was plunged into crisis

Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean
Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

Burundi Situation
Inter-agency information sharing portal

DRC Regional Refugee Response
Information Sharing Portal

Thailand-Myanmar Cross Border Portal
The Information Management Common Service Portal is open to all humanitarian organizations as a way to help disseminate information that will assist refugees - in the nine Temporary Shelters located along Thailand’s border with Myanmar - in reaching freely informed decisions concerning their future lives, including the possibility of a voluntary return home