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Regional Office Central Asia

Offices: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan

Total persons of concern: 3,301 refugees

Kazakhstan: 633

Kyrgyzstan: 482

Tajikistan: 2,026


Uzbekistan: 125

2014 budget:$16,493,012 USD

2015 budget: $14,669,605

Regional Priorities

 ·     Protection and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees

·      Prevention and reduction of statelessness

·      Protection of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees through peace - building and reconciliation

·      Preservation of asylum space within mixed migratory flows

·      Emergency Preparedness and Response

·      Regional cooperation

·      Advocacy and awareness about UNHCR

Projects and partners: UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, UNODC, OSCE, UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, EU, IOM, UNDSS, UNAIDS, OHCHR, OIC, CICA, World Bank, ACTED, Asian Development Bank, ICRC, WFP, and others.

External Fact Sheet for more information can be downloaded here.

May 2015


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