United Nations Summit for Refugees and Migrants

Full text of the New York Declaration


New York Declaration Quick Guide

New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants: Why it matters?


On 19 September 2016 the United Nations General Assembly will convene a High-Level Plenary to address large movements of refugees (UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants) on 19 September 2016 in light of the need for greater international solidarity and support in response to such movements.

The Secretary-General’s Report In Safety and Dignity: Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants  was released in May 2016 and served as a basis for negotiations by Member States who agreed to a draft New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants which is expected to be adopted at the 19 September Summit.

The New York Declaration sets out principles and recommendations applying to both migrants and refugees (rescue en route, reception at borders, combatting xenophobia and encouraging inclusion) as well as separate commitments for migrants and refugees, and its two annexes pave the way for global compacts on refugees and migrants respectively in 2018.  Regarding migration, the Declaration urges states to enhance migration management and governance, to strengthen international cooperation, and to address the needs of migrants in particularly vulnerable situations. 

With regard to refugees, the New York Declaration sets out a new approach to responding to refugees through a Comprehensive Refugee Response (CRR) Framework.  This CRR Framework, detailed in an annex to the Declaration, includes a full range of activities, from addressing root causes to emphasizing self-reliance of refugees to considering solutions from the beginning of a refugee influx, to be implemented through whole of society engagement.  The Declaration commits states to greater responsibility sharing and to work towards the adoption in 2018 of a Global Compact on refugees.