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World Refugee Day comes to Central Asia

On June 20, 2015 all countries in the world mark the World Refugee Day. On this day UNHCR commemorates the strength and resilience of currently almost 60 million people around the world who are forced to flee their homes due to war or human rights abuses.

Nobody wants to become a refugee, but they are forced to flee wars and conflicts, saving their lives and of their families. UNHCR’s new annual Global Trends report shows a sharp escalation in the number of people forced to flee their homes, with 59.5 million people forcibly displaced at the end of 2014 compared to 51.2 million a year earlier and 37.5 million a decade ago. The increase since 2013 was the highest ever reported for a single year.

The main acceleration has been since early 2011 when war erupted in Syria, propelling it into becoming the world’s single largest driver of displacement. In 2014, an average of 42,500 people became refugees, asylum seekers, or internally displaced every day, representing a four-fold increase in just four years. Worldwide, one in every 122 humans is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum.

For the moment Central Asia hosts 3, 301 refugees, the majority of them originated from Afghanistan. All Central Asian countries, except Uzbekistan, ratified 1951 Convention on Status of Refugees, and assumed responsibility of the state to provide international protection to those in need. Later on countries developed refugee laws on national level, and established national refugee status determination systems.

UNHCR continues to closely work with Governments on amending national laws to meet international standards. In partnership with NGOs and government counterparts, UNHCR provides legal and social support to refugees, pursing durable solutions, such as voluntary repatriation and local integration.

“Refugees, fleeing from danger and conflicts, become the most vulnerable people in host countries. UNHCR would like to thank Central Asia governments and nations by accepting refugees on their territories, and believes that the next steps of the fruitful cooperation should focus on amending national legislation and its successful implementation” – said Marat Zarifov, OIC/Regional Representative for Central Asia.


