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Sharara dreams to become a doctor to help others

Sharara (17) was only five years old, when she and her family arrived to Kazakhstan. Taliban persecuted her father, and the whole family had to flee the Motherland with nothing. They left everything in Afghanistan, and had to come a long way through Iran, before safely arrival to Almaty.  

However, for twelve years, Sharara and her family are living and fighting for their rights in Kazakhstan. Sharara had to start working at the age of thirteen years to help her parents to survive. She studied well in a school, but neither her not her sisters and brothers could afford any entrainment. Cinemas and expensive toys were not affordable for her family. Nevertheless, she realized in childhood that her future largely depends on success in learning.

Now she wants to continue her study, and become a doctor. “My biggest dream is to help people. I want to study and help refugees, like me, who often face trauma due to difficult circumstances they have overcome in their lives. I want to become a professional, and work for the benefit of the country I am living in”- says Sharara.  

Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes.
People like you, people like me.
To escape the violence, they leave everything behind – everything except their hopes and dreams for a safer future. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency believes that all refugees deserve to live in safety.
Add your name to the #WithRefugees petition to send a clear message to governments that they must act with solidarity and shared responsibility.
We stand together #WithRefugees.
Please stand with us.  Sign the petition at: http://rfg.ee/z2bA301bNOn
