Kako bismo javnosti pružili bolju ideju o svakodnevnoj borbi za opstanak s kojom se susreću izbjeglice, kao i o vrsti posla koju UNHCR obavlja, na teren šaljemo snimateljske timove koji dokumentiraju naše različite operacije diljem svijeta. Sve izbjeglice imaju jedinstvenu priču o hrabrosti i odlučnosti te se nadamo da će se putem ovih snimki i njihov glas čuti u vašim kućama te da ćete bolje razumjeti njihove potrebe.
To give you a better idea of the daily struggle for survival that refugees face, as well as the kind of work UNHCR does in the field, we send out video crews to document our different operations around the world. Every refugee has a unique story of courage and determination and we hope that, through these videos, their voices can be heard in your homes and their needs better understood.
Putevi nade br. 198
Putevi nade br. 196
Putevi nade br. 195
HRT Prizma
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Selection and Retention of UNHCR Partners for Project Partnership Agreements in 2017.