Tražitelji azila


Tražitelji azila su pojedinci koji su zatražili međunarodnu zaštitu, a čiji zahtjevi za statusom izbjeglice još nisu odobreni. U Republici Hrvatskoj strance koji traže zaštitu od progona u vlastitim zemljama primaju nadležna tijela (Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova) te im je na raspolaganju humanitarna i pravna pomoć NVO-a, uz potporu UNHCR-a. Tražitelji azila su uglavnom smješteni u prihvatnim centrima u Kutini i Zagrebu, u kojima i očekuju rješavanje svojih zahtjeva za azil.



Asylum-seeker are individuals who have sought international protection and whose claims for refugee status have not yet been determined. In the Republic of Croatia those foreigners seeking protection from persecution in own countries are received by competent authorities (Ministry of Interior) and offered humanitarian and legal assistance by NGO's with UNHCR support. Asylum-seekers are mostly accommodated in reception centres in Kutina and Zagreb where they await the resolution of their asylum application.

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