
Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 21

  • Centrafrique: 4 morts dans les violences intercommunautaires

    news, 18 Feb 2015 (il y a 1 an )
    Quatre personnes ont trouvé la mort, après des violences intercommunautaires qui ont lieu en Bangui, le week-end dernier. Le drame s’est produit au quartier PK5 dans le 3ème arrondissement, une zone essentiellement musulmane. Les scènes de violences, ont déclenché, après l’assassinat d’un membre de ...
  • Centrafrique: à Bangui, la vie reprend doucement

    news Le Monde, 10 Feb 2015 (il y a 1 an )
    Des sourires à Bangui. Des enfants qui enfin retournent à l’école. Des déplacés qui quittent les pourtours de l’aéroport pour regagner leur quartier. Des réfugiés musulmans qui rentrent peu à peu. Le visage de la capitale centrafricaine est marqué de cicatrices indélébiles mais le changement est réj...
  • HIV/AIDS: Conflict in Central African Republic disrupts treatment

    news UNHCR, 03 Sep 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    BANGUI, Central African Republic, September 3 (UNHCR) – Conflict forced Nayo to flee her native South Sudan and seek shelter in neighbouring Central African Republic, but it has not prevented the 58-year-old refugee from receiving the medical treatment that keeps her alive. "Fighting has forced m...
  • L’UNHCR enregistre une diminution significative du nombre de réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile en milieu urbain

    news UNHCR, 27 Aug 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    L’UNHCR a enregistré une diminution significative du nombre de réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile en milieu urbain en RCA, à travers un exercice de vérification qui s’est déroulé pendant l’été 2014. Le nombre actuel à Bangui s’élève à environ 1 921 personnes. A titre de comparaison, plus de 4 500 réfugi...
  • UNHCR records a significant decrease in the number of urban refugees and asylum seekers in the CAR

    news UNHCR, 24 Aug 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    BANGUI, 24 August 2014 – A significant decrease in the number of urban refugees and asylum seekers in the Central African Republic was attested at a verification exercise organized by UNHCR. Their current number in Bangui rests at about 1,921 people, in comparison to the more than 4,500 refugees and...
  • Nadine’s Story, Central African Republic

    news UNHCR, 28 Jul 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    Nadine*, who is working as a teacher, fled to the Central African Republic to escape the conflict in Rwanda. “My mother is Tutsi and my father is Hutu, but I feel as a Rwandan who was forced to leave her country due to war. I was 20-years-old when the conflict affected my city. My parents didn’t ...
  • Moussa’s Story, Central African Republic

    news UNHCR, 21 Jul 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    In a country where the life expectancy is lower than 55 years, the memories of 72-year-old Moussa Abaka constitute a precious testimony of better times gone by. Working as a janitor at the cinema “Rex” in Bangui the capital of the Central African Republic, Moussa witnessed the “Banguissois” swarmin...
  • David’s story, Central African Republic

    news UNHCR, 14 Jul 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    It is strange how one can pass from covering the turmoil in their country to being a victim of the violence. As the General Director of the national TV station in the Central African Republic, I closely followed the events that led to the culmination of the conflict in December 2013. But nothing pre...
  • Jean-Claude’s story, Central African Republic

    news UNHCR, 02 Jul 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    There is a sort of “gymnastics” imposed on civilians whenever there is conflict inside Bangui, as the fighting never spreads over the city at the same time. People leave their neighborhoods due to the combats, for other areas which are calmer. But when the conflict also spreads in these zones, they ...
  • Philippe’s Story, Central African Republic

    news UNHCR, 24 Jun 2014 (il y a 2 ans )
    Philippe came to find peace in the CAR due to the conflict at the Ivory Coast. “When someone is a refugee, he doesn’t choose the country in which he will end up. He tries to flee as far away as possible in order to save his life. This is how I ended up at the Central African Republic, all the way...