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Destination Olympia


Discover the Olympic Games of Antiquity and the legacy they have left us.


Ages six and upwards




  • Because the visit addresses the Games of Antiquity, in Olympia, in a concrete and fun manner.
  • Because the exhibition highlights the bridges between the past and the present, and between legend and reality.


Option 1: Visit with a coach + workshop (reservation required)

Price: CHF 15 per child

Visit of two areas of the permanent exhibition with a coach
  • The pupils get to know the Olympic Games: the sports on the programme, the athletes who have left their mark on history, and the evolution and specialisation of material (Modern Games area).
  • The visit continues with a journey back in time: return to Antiquity, to the original site of the Olympic Games (Olympia area).
  • How can you know the secrets of Olympia? The children discover the ways of reconstructing the past, from archaeological digs to experimental archaeology.
  • How can you understand the sports on the programme? The children compare the sports equipment of the first athletes with today’s equipment, and imitate the sporting scenes painted on the vases.

Option 2: Unaccompanied visit with a tablet (reservation required)

Price: CHF 7 per child

Tablet with a proposed route around the permanent exhibition (explanations and activities).
  • Created to help teachers lead a visit of the zone devoted to the origins of the Olympic Games in the permanent exhibition.
  • Suggestion of an itinerary with 5 stops, focusing on three key sectors:
    • The site of Olympia
    • The sports on the programme
    • Victory


“I’ve studied archaeology and ancient history. I have also taught. It’s always a great pleasure for me to share my passion for Ancient Greece with the pupils. The “Olympic Games of Antiquity” allows us to both understand a society from the past and to make links with the present. It’s a different experience with each group.” - Julia Thum-TOM coach.

“The room reserved for showcasing the history of sport (the Gym’) is a real plus – the visual presentation captures the attention and makes us want to discover more.” - Student from the HEP Valais.

TOM resources available on the theme:

“The Olympic Games in Antiquity” file
The Olympic journey – the Ancient Games
TOM SCHOOLS - Visitor’s Guide “Destination Olympia” (for unaccompanied visits)


Tel.: +41 21 621 66 85

Pre-booking form for coached visits, workshops and visits with tablets only.
Form to pre-reserve



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