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15 Jul 2014
Tokyo 2020 , IOC News

Tokyo 2020 invites young people to contribute to the Games

The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee has launched a new project to get young people involved in the preparations and delivery of the 2020 Olympic Games.

The “Creating Tomorrow Together” initiative will invite Japan’s younger generation to offer their ideas and opinions on how the Games should be run, with a view to further refining the existing Tokyo 2020 vision, which was developed during the candidature phase under the tagline ‘Discover Tomorrow’.

“We want to inspire the new generation with the Olympic Spirit,” explained Athens 2004 Olympic hammer-throw champion and Tokyo 2020 Sports Director Koji Murofushi. “They are the future of our nation; that’s why we want them to be actively involved in our preparations. It is of crucial importance to make young people realise that this is also their Games and they have a key role to play throughout the entire process of our preparations and during the Games themselves. We are looking forward to receiving everybody’s suggestions to help us ensure the success of the 2020 Games.”

Children across the whole of Japan will have the opportunity to contribute to the “Creating Tomorrow Together” project by writing an essay during their summer holidays in which they describe their dreams for 2020 and the future they want to build for Japan by the time Tokyo welcomes the Games.

The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee is also asking for similar essays and suggestions from a broader section of Japanese society and has launched a dedicated website ( to invite contributions on what kind of Olympic Games the people of Japan would like to host.

The Organising Committee then hopes to incorporate many of the ideas it receives into its finalised vision for the Games, further strengthening Tokyo 2020’s desire to renew and reinforce the Olympic values for a new generation in 2020. 

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