Opération Sahel
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Workshop teaches Tuareg artisans new skills in exile
UNHCR, 04/05/2016
OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso, May 4 (UNHCR) – Taking a sheaf of palm fronds in her hand, Tuareg artisan Bintou starts to weave a decorative mat to be fixed on a newly designed desk lamp that may one day light up homes in Europe and elsewhere. An accomplished leather worker back home in Mali, she is among some 20 refugees learning new skills at a residential workshop in neighbouring Burkina Faso that aims to help them develop their traditional products and market them abroad. "Now I have learned how I can transpose my know-how from leather to palm," she says with a smile. "I don't know yet what will be the final product, but at this stage I am happy to know how to work with a new material," she adds. Originally from a village close to Kidal in northeast Mali, the 40-year-old mother-of-four fled after her community was caught up in the conflict in 2012. She is now among 144,765 Mal...
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Mali refugees in Burkina face food crisis: UN
AFP, 29/03/2016
More than 30,000 Malian refugees who have fled conflict for neighbouring Burkina Faso face severe food shortages, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) and High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) warned Tuesday. "The WFP urgently needs $2.5 million dollars (2.23 million euros) to provide the assistance the Malians need to survive," said Jean-Charles Dei, the organisation's country director in Burkina Faso. "If the new contributions are not received as a matter of urgency then 31,000 Malian refugees risk being deprived of food assistance over the coming three months," the WFP and UNHCR said in a statement. "The approaching dry season is the time when they are particularly vulnerable and most require support," added the agencies, who have helping the Burkinabe government and NGOs deal with the refugee flow since 2012. Ealier this month, the WFP said a funding gap late last year ha...
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Burkina Faso: Libération de l'otage australienne Jocelyn Elliott, enlevée en mi-janvier par AQMI
Xinhua, 07/02/2016
OUAGADOUGOU, 7 février (Xinhua) -- Jocelyn Elliott, l'épouse du médecin australien Ken Eliott, enlevés les deux le 15 janvier dans le nord du Burkina Faso par Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (AQMI), a été libérée, samedi soir, peu après la revendication du rapt, a-t-on appris de source sécuritaire. La même source précise que l'ex-otage serait sous la protection des autorités nigériennes. Dans un enregistrement audio, samedi, le groupe Al-Mourabitoune, affilié à Al-Qaida au Maghreb islamique (AQMI), a revendiqué l'enlèvement du couple d'Australiens, le 15 janvier dernier, dans le Nord du Burkina-Faso, le même jour de l'attaque terroriste de Ouagadougou, qui a fait une trentaine de morts. Dans le document, le groupe avait annoncé son intention de libérer sans conditions l'épouse du médecin australien. Eliot Kenneth Arthur et Joséphine Kenneth vivaient dan...
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Milk and income for Malian refugees in Burkina Faso
UNHCR, 08/07/2015
The Seeds for Solutions project, sponsored by the IKEA foundation, will help families and their children rebuild their lives after more than three years of exile The Sahel region of Burkina Faso currently hosts most of the 33,692 Malian refugees who have fled a violent conflict in the northern part of their country and have sought refuge in Burkina Faso. In these dry and remote parts of that country ,Malian refugees as well as the local communities hosting them are mostly pastoralists, who own cows, goats, sheep, donkeys and camels, subsisting on a traditional diet of milk and millet. But because the majority of their livestock is located far away from the refugee camps, the refugees and their children are unable to access milk on a regular basis. This situation of high demand and low supply has a negative impact on the health of the populations, notably children in refugee camps, som...
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Le Mali, le Burkina Faso et le HCR signent un accord sur le rapatriement des réfugiés maliens
UNHCR, 09/01/2015
L'Accord offrira un cadre juridique pour accompagner le rapatriement volontaire organisé des réfugiés maliens vivant au Burkina Faso et leur réintégration au Mali OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO, 9 janvier 2014 (UNHCR) – Une délégation du gouvernement du Mali conduite par M. Hamadoun KONATE, Ministre de la Solidarité, de l’Action Humanitaire et de la Reconstruction du Nord, était en visite à Ouagadougou, la capitale du Burkina Faso, en vue de la signature de l’Accord tripartite entre les gouvernements du Mali et du Burkina Faso, et du UNHCR pour le rapatriement volontaire organisé des réfugiés maliens. L’Accord a été signé à Ouagadougou ce vendredi 9 janvier 2015 par les trois parties. Un de ses effets immédiats sera la création d’une Commission tripartite pour définir les modalités pratiques de mise en œuvre du programme de rapatriement volontaire organis...
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Some Malian refugees in Burkina Faso decide to return home
UNHCR, 23/12/2014
UNHCR facilitates their transportation back to their country OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO, 23 December 2014 (UNHCR) – In Burkina Faso’s refugee camps, Malian families who voluntarily decide to return to northern Mali now receive assistance for their departure from UNHCR. Since the beginning of the conflict in northern Mali in January 2012, hundreds of thousands of Malians fled their homelands and took refuge in neighboring countries. Burkina Faso currently hosts 33,140 of these refugees. The majority of them reside in two camps in the northern Sahel region as well as in a camp close to the capital Ouagadougou. Those who lost everything while fleeing their homeland benefit from support and protection from the Government of Burkina Faso, as well as from UNHCR and its partners. For UNHCR, the volatile situation still prevailing in the northern part of Mali is not yet conducive to pro...
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Some Malian refugees in Burkina Faso decide to return home
KORA.UNHCR.ORG, 23/12/2014
OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO – In Burkina Faso’s refugee camps, Malian families who voluntarily decide to return to northern Mali now receive assistance for their departure from UNHCR. Since the beginning of the conflict in northern Mali in January 2012, hundreds of thousands of Malians fled their homelands and took refuge in neighbouring countries. Burkina Faso currently hosts 33,140 of these refugees. The majority of them reside in two camps in the northern Sahel region as well as in a camp close to the capital Ouagadougou. Those who lost everything while fleeing their homeland benefit from support and protection from the Government of Burkina Faso, as well as from UNHCR and its partners. For UNHCR, the volatile situation still prevailing in the northern part of Mali is not yet conducive to promote returns. “Given the current situation, we believe the security conditions do not yet...
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UNHCR Burkina Faso: UNHCR promotes re-forestation in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso
UNHCR Burkina Faso, 16/08/2013
On the 16 August, 2013, UNHCR, with the participation of CONAREF, the NGO HELP-Germany, OCADES and the Direction Régionale de l’Environement et du Développement Durable, launched the beginning of a re-forestation exercise in order to improve the environment of the host population that have so warmly welcomed the refugees in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso in the beginning of 2012. Since the launch of UNHCR’s re-forestation exercise on 16 August, HELP has already reforested 25 ha of land in the Sahel, including in the refugee camp of Goudoubo itself where 900 seedlings have been planted. At the end of the exercise, UNHCR’s project would have reforested 25 ha and recuperated 60 ha of degraded land. The partnership of UNHCR with HELP in Burkina Faso is exclusively for the benefit of the host population of the Sahel Region. The project involves planting of seedlings, reforest...
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UNHCR Burkina Faso: Goudoubo Refugee Commitee Workshop - 20 to 22 August
UNHCR Burkina Faso, 20/08/2013
From the 20 to 22 of August, a workshop was organized for the newly elected refugee committees of Goudoubo by UNHCR and IEDA-Relief in order to continue their capacity-building and ensure an effective community based management of camps. The training included principles of coordination and administration of camps; roles and responsibilities of each committee; UNHCR Code of Conduct and International Refugee Protection; aspects of leadership skills as well as the importance of the principle of non-discrimination. The issue of biometric registration and spontaneous returns were also discussed with the refugees. The committees established include the Executive Committee (10 members, 3 women); the Committee of Elders (8 members, 3 women); the Youth Committee (10 members, 5 women); the Distribution Committee (12 members, 4 women); the Health Committee (4 members, 2 women); the Nutritio...
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UNHCR Burkina Faso: Participation of Refugees in Mali Presidential Elections in Burkina Faso (11 August and 28 July)
UNHCR Burkina Faso, 28/07/2013
Participation of Refugees in Mali Presidential Elections in Burkinia Faso (11 August and 28 July) On the 11 August 2013, a total of 133 Malian refugees in Burkina Faso (source: CONAREF) participated in the second round of the Malian Elections organized by the Malian Embassy of Ouagadougou. The 133 voters represents an increase of 51% of those who took part in the first round of the elections held on the 28 July (when 88 persons casted their vote). Just as for the first round, UNHCR facilitated the participation of the refugees in their exercise of their right to vote by undertaking awareness-raising campaigns, by transporting the refugees to the voting sites and Malian officials as well as ensured that a security enhancing mechanism was in place in all camps in case of tensions. The Malian Elections in Burkina Faso were organized by the Malian Embassy of Ouagadougou. In the sec...
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