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All different, All winners


Using the example of sport and the Olympic Games, address notions of citizenship, such as respect, or the link between rules and freedom.


Ages nine and upwards




  • Because the Olympic Games are more than sports competitions: they embody the values of excellence, respect and friendship.
  • Because we can transfer these values to daily life.


Visit with coach + workshop (reservation required)

Price: CHF 15 CHF per child

Visit of a selection of areas of the permanent exhibition with a coach

  • The pupils discover the elements which make the Olympic Games unique and universal.
  • Then, they discover the Olympic values through the destinies of athletes, all champions in their own way.


Thanks to interactive elements, the children:

  • Explore the difference between a fact, an opinion, a prejudice and a generalisation
  • Let themselves be surprised by the diversity of the world
  • Think about the links between freedom and rules


TOM coach:

“For me, All different, All winners is an ideal tool for addressing serious subjects in an uncomplicated and entertaining way. It’s a challenge. At the end, the experience leaves nobody indifferent, and we all learn something from each other.” Evelyne Pfeifer

Visitor (10 February 2015)

“Mostly, I learnt that we must talk before we argue, and that you must always fight until the end in sport, even if you lose…”

“Yep, that’s right… and in life too, hey Coach?”

Serguei and Harlon, 9 years old

TOM resources available on the theme

TOM SCHOOLS – Educational kit, “All different, All winners”