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08 Jan 2016
Olympic Studies Centre

OSC Newsletter Number 31


The first issue of the OSC Newsletter was published in June 2008. Our main objective since then has been to keep our academic network informed of news from the OSC and provide you with access to relevant news from the IOC and other Olympic Studies Centres and academics around the world. As the world centre of reference for Olympic knowledge, our scope and reach have evolved considerably over the last few years. Today, we welcome some 3,500 researchers on our premises each year and provide services to more than 6,000 professionals and researchers around the globe through our research and loans. The time has come to tailor our communication platforms to the needs of our global - and mobile - customers. We are therefore pleased to announce that, as of next year, you will discover changes in the Olympic Studies Centre’s Look and Feel. 2016 will be a very exiting year, for the athletes going to Lillehammer and Rio, for Olympic fans around the world and for us at the OSC. Thank you for your ongoing interest and support and stay tuned in 2016!  


Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme: Don’t forget that the deadline for applications for the 2016/2017 edition is 5 February 2016. Thirteen priority research topics covering areas of the IOC’s key activities are offered this year, specially chosen in the framework of Olympic Agenda 2020. We look forward to receiving your applications!

In this connection, the final research reports of the winners of the first edition of this programme (2014/2015) are now available on line. We congratulate the grant holders for their excellent work!

New archive descriptions: The Barcelona 1992 and Albertville 1992 funds lists are now available, describing the organisation and running of these two events. These documents join the Olympic Games series already available on line. 


MA in Olympic Studies: The next intake of this Executive Master, which has been implemented at the German Sport University, Cologne in cooperation with four other European universities, will start in September 2016. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2016. The master is structured as a part-time programme, and offers a multi- and interdisciplinary approach to the Olympic Movement, linked with sport-related ethical and educational considerations. For further information and to apply, click here.

Master of Arts in Sport and Olympic Studies: The Tsukuba International Academy for Sport Studies (TIAS) has created a Master offering Olympic and Paralympic education and aimed at individuals graduating with a four-year Japanese university degree or for Bachelor degree-holders from abroad. The first edition started in October 2015. Applications for the next academic year will be possible from 15 February 2016 until 11 March 2016. TIAS is part of the “Sport for Tomorrow” project created in connection with the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020, and aims to train global talents who will lead the international sporting world in the future. Click here for more information.

Pierre de Coubertin: Olympism – Selected Writings: The Portuguese version of this reference work is now available online thanks to a collaborative effort between the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

“Youth Olympic Games: New concept-old ideas”: The 7th International Sport Business Symposium: This event will be held on 16 February 2016 in Lillehammer, during the 2nd Winter Youth Olympic Games. Organised by Lillehammer University College in collaboration with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, this international conference will be an opportunity for all Olympic scholars to meet and present their latest Olympic-related research.

Academic events on the occasion of the Olympic Games Rio 2016:

13th International Symposium for Olympic Research – Call for Abstracts: The International Centre for Olympic Studies at Western University (ICOS), Canada, and ARETE – the Centro de Estudos Olímpicos at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil, invite all academics interested in presenting papers on the socio-cultural study of the modern Olympic or Paralympic Games to submit their abstracts before 15 January 2016. This Symposium, entitled “The Future of the Olympic Event in the Age of the Mega-Spectacle”, will be held on 30 and 31 July 2016 in Vitória, Brazil. For more information, please contact the organisers, ARETE or ICOS.

Second International Colloquium of Olympic Studies Centres: As announced in our June 2015 edition, on 2 and 3 August 2016, the Olympic Studies Centre of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul is organising a colloquium for representatives of OSCs around the world in Porto Alegre (Brazil). Registration forms and the call for contributions can be found here


Lillehammer 2016 YOG: On the occasion of the 2nd Winter Youth Olympic Games, we are offering you a selection of videos on YOG-related topics and a bibliography enriched with new academic articles and publications on the same subject.

Fourth Olympic Summit: Leading representatives of the Olympic Movement met in Lausanne on 17 October to review the implementation of Olympic Agenda 2020, with a particular focus on protecting the clean athletes, good governance and autonomy, the Olympic Channel, and the new Olympic Games Candidature Procedure. At the end of the Summit, the IOC issued a statement to the Olympic Movement stakeholders.

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