Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean


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79% of the Syrians and 44% of the Afghans polled had a secondary, high school or university degree (UNHCR) 23/02/2016
UNHCR Survey finds Afghan and Syrian refugees arriving to Greece are fleeing conflict and violence 23/02/2016
UNHCR and the European Commission have launched a programme to provide 20,000 additional reception places for asylum seekers in Greece. (UNHCR) 14/12/2015
UNHCR will support Greece in developing its asylum reception capacity through European Union-funded rent subsidies and host family programmes. (UNHCR) 14/12/2015
UNHCR and partners increased accommodation capacities at Eidomeni to provide more dignified waiting conditions to refugees and migrants. (UNHCR) 27/11/2015
UNHCR is working with the Hellenic Coast Guard to facilitate the deployment of experienced life guards and equipment to support rescue efforts at sea. (UNHCR) 13/11/2015
First group of thirty Syrian and Iraqi asylum-seekers relocated from Greece to Luxembourg. (UNHCR) 06/11/2015
It is essential that Greece receives massive support from the European Union for adequate reception, registration and screening processes. (UNHCR) 16/10/2015
UNHCR has deployed 120 emergency staff to Greece to support the government in its effort to address the continuing crisis. (UNHCR) 12/10/2015
"This is a primarily refugee crisis, not only a migration phenomenon" (UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres) 04/09/2015

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