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Museum's friends

'Since it first opened in June 1993, the Olympic Museum has served as a global platform for communication and information about the Olympic Movement as well as a pillar of excellence for its work promoting sporting and cultural values internationally.
Museum's friends are proud to convey these values in addition to serving as museum ambassadors in political and economic arenas. The privilege of contributing to this important mission is second only to the desire they hold to see the museum’s collections grow and develop through donations and legacies.
On joining Museum's friends, you will be invited to take part in our activities and share in the values of friendship, respect and fairness that bring us together. We welcome you to join us on this Olympic endeavour today!'

George-André Carrel, Chairman of Museum's friends



We answer your calls Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 and from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

The Olympic Museum
1, quai d'Ouchy
1006 Lausanne
T : +41 21 621 65 11

If someone were to ask for the recipe for "becoming Olympic", I would say that the first prerequisite is to be joyful. Pierre de Courbertin