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The Museum’s Permanent Exhibition

Spread over 3,000m2 on three levels, covering three major themes, told through 1,500 objects, and seven hours of audio-visual and interactive presentation:

- The Olympic World      (level 1)
- The Olympic Games    (level 0)
- The Olympic Spirit       (level -1)

The Olympic World

The route through the space devoted to the Olympic World retraces the ancient origins of the Games, and Pierre de Coubertin’s desire to gather together nations around a pacifist movement where various sensibilities can be expressed through sporting competitions.

This section puts forward the idea of getting to know each other better to understand each other better, of sharing an ideal, illustrated by the torch relay, the flame that triggers the opening of the Olympic Games celebrated across the world in the host cities.

Not to be missed:
- the first Olympic flag dating from 1913
- the torches from every edition of the Games since 1936

The Olympic Games

Focus on the Olympians who made their mark on the Summer and Winter Games throughout history and who embody the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. Stories come alive through the presentation of equipment and photo and video documents.
Space is also reserved for the Paralympic Games and the Youth Olympic Games, both just as enriching and moving.

Not to be missed:
- the 180° film entitled “Inside the Race”

The Olympic Spirit

We are here in the heart of the Olympic Village, where athletes from every nation live together for 15 days. Training, nutrition, relaxation, technology… everything is done so that they give the best of themselves.
Several interactive devices allow the visitors to enjoy the same experiences, physically, psychologically or intellectually.
Ultimately, medallist or not, the only thing that counts is sharing the Olympic spirit.

Not to be missed:
- the showcase of Olympic medals from 1896 to the present day
- the London 2012 Games Olympic Truce Wall