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IOC/DREIS, Danielle

The Sport for Hope programme provides young people and local communities with opportunities to practise sports and develop their bodies, minds and wills in the Olympic spirit. It aims to promote sport, education and social development in the surrounding communities and through their respective countries.

Placing Sport for All at the heart of its approach, the Sport for Hope programme is committed to promoting the development of sport at all levels and creating access to sports and physical activities for as many people as possible.


The programme involves the construction of multi-functional sports centres in regions in dire need of sports facilities, bringing the benefits of sport as a tool for social change. The modern multi-functional sports centres provide elite athletes with state-of-the-art training facilities, the national sports federations with office space, and young people and local communities with positive sport and development opportunities.

Sidney Siame, athlete training at the Olympic Youth Development Centre - Zambia & gold medalist, 100m sprint, Nanjing Youth Olympic Games.

Elite - High Performance

The programme provides:

  • regional elite athletes with modern and professional training conditions.
  • the respective countries' national sports federations and the International Sports Federations with office space and facilities to develop elite sport in their countries.

IOC Sport for Hope Programme. Port-au Prince (Haiti), 2014.


The Multisport Academy Programme is a specialised sports programme targeted at local young people who have been identified within the programmes offered at the Centre as talented in their sport.

Using a complete set of methods such as teaching, training, sports training, promotion of sports and competitions, this sport specialisation programme is designed to fully support and help the identified talented children reach their full potential in their particular sport. It provides hope and enables its participants to believe in their dreams and strive in their pursuit of excellence. It is also a step forward in ensuring the countries' young elite sport development.

IOC Sport for Hope Programme.  Lusaka (Zambia).


The centres reach local youngsters by proposing different sport-based sociocultural and educational programmes:

  • School Programme
  • Summer Camp
  • Integration Programme

The Integration Programme is an integrational sport-based sociocultural and educational programme for the most underprivileged, out-of-school local children.

The centres also offer opportunities for surrounding communities to leverage social and cultural development through events and activities.

Beyond its sporting vocation, the Sport for Hope programme proposes a wide scope of activities and services which are integrated into the centres' programmes and offers:
  • Values-based education: values of Olympism, environmental and social responsibilities
  • Life skills development activities: pro-social values and behaviours to develop into fulfilled individuals and citizens, interpersonal skills and orientation support
  • Sociocultural education: artistic activities, arts & crafts, and languages
  • Health education and services: general hygiene, awareness-raising, sports medicine and health care services
  • Community activities: activities and events are organised at the centres, while groups can also rent facilities to host activities

2016 Cliff Avril Football Clinic, Centre Sport pour l'espoir - Haiti. Port-au-Prince (Haiti), 2016. IOC/DREIS, Danielle

Who benefits from it?
  • All ages benefit from the programme, from young people to athletes as well as the local communities, the countries and the entire regions.
  • Other beneficiaries are the Olympic Movement at large, National Olympic Committees, International Sports Federations, organisations, institutional partners and local schools.
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