Over a dozen sports are practised at the Centre, including athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, football, handball, hockey, judo, rugby, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis and volleyball.
Over the years, the six-week Summer Camp has attracted a great deal of favourable attention from local communities as well as internationally. Locally, it is perceived as an alternative space for the construction of positive life habits and a better future. Welcoming 555 local children to their first ever summer camp experience in 2014, the camp saw this number more than double in 2015, reaching 1,345 young people from the surrounding communities.
The School Programme welcomed 839 students from 36 participating schools in the 2014-2015 school year. For the 2015-2016 school year, the programme has expanded its reach to 1,600 young people from 40 different schools.
Currently, 26 children (13 girls and 13 boys) who have dropped out of school are taking part in the Integration Programme. More precisely, the programmes has nine children aged 8-9, nine children aged 10-11 and eight children aged 12-14.
The MultiSport Academy Programme was initiated by the Centre's programme coordination team in response to the 2014 Summer Camp. During this sports camp, local young people introduced to athletics were given the opportunity to take part in a juvenile level competition, where their great performances led them to win 17 medals. Motivated by the will to develop the full potential of these young participants and give them the opportunity to aim for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games, the coach wished to continue training these children.