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IOC Executive Board Hears Games Updates

During its meeting currently taking place in Dubai, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board (EB) today heard updates on the progress made in the preparations for the future Olympic Games in 2012 in London, 2014 in Sochi and 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.


London 2012: Next in Line

The London Games are next in line, and with the Games now only two years away, preparations are advancing rapidly. Briefed by Coordination Commission Chairman Denis Oswald and LOCOG’s Chairman, Sebastian Coe, and CEO, Paul Deighton, the EB heard about the outcomes of the recent project review held between the IOC and LOCOG. LOCOG has begun its operational planning, and will hold a sports event at the Weymouth sailing centre this year, which will allow it to look at some of its planning assumptions and see where its plans can be improved. LOCOG will also be announcing a number of programmes over the coming year linked to volunteers and ticketing, which should be of great interest to the public.


Sochi 2014: Into the Spotlight

With the Vancouver Games now over, the Russian city of Sochi has been thrust into the spotlight, as the next host of the Olympic Winter Games. The EB heard an update from both Coordination Commission Chairman Jean-Claude Killy and Sochi 2014 President and CEO Dmitry Chernyshenko, who briefed the IOC Executive Board on the outcomes from the recent visit of the Coordination Commission to the host city. Killy spoke of the remarkable progress that is being made in all areas by the Russian organisers and of the advances in construction projects linked to the Games. Sochi will play host to the debrief of the Vancouver 2010 Games in June, and Gilbert Felli, the IOC’s Olympic Games Executive Director, said today: “We are very happy with what Sochi has learnt from the Vancouver Games and how they are already adapting their preparations following this experience.”


Rio 2016: Early Stages

With the city of Rio elected at the end of last year to host the 2016 Games and Nawal El Moutawakel nominated as the Chair of the Coordination Commission only in January, the Rio Games are in their early stages of development. However, a large amount of work has already been undertaken, and Nawal El Moutawakel underlined this to the EB, pointing out the work done by the Rio team in Vancouver. Like the Olympic Games Organising Committees for London and Sochi, Rio 2016 participated in the IOC’s observer programme. It also took advantage of the fact that all of the Games key players were in town to advance its start-up planning. The IOC will receive a fuller update from the Rio 2016 organisers next month on their progress, during the first Coordination Commission visit to the Brazilian host city.


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