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03 Jul 2013
Host City Election , IOC News , Tokyo 2020

2020 Candidate Cities Present to IOC Members

The three Candidate Cities bidding to host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games delivered their penultimate presentations today to members of the International Olympic Committee during the 2020 Candidate City Briefing for IOC Members at the Beaulieu Conference Centre in Lausanne.

The bid committees of Istanbul (Turkey), Tokyo (Japan) and Madrid (Spain)* gave 45-minute presentations and fielded questions from the members during 45-minute question-and-answer sessions. The cities will give their final presentations to the members at the 125th IOC Session in Buenos Aires on 7 September, with the vote taking place the same day.

IOC President Jacques Rogge commented: “We heard three excellent presentations today from the 2020 Candidate Cities, and we can really see that they are taking full advantage of the learning opportunities that the IOC has put at their disposal as they create their Olympic projects. Today’s meeting once again underlined the usefulness of this event for the members, as they delve into the details of each city’s Games plan.”

The Candidate Cities will also have an opportunity to discuss their projects in greater detail with IOC members and the media on Thursday morning during visits to their presentation rooms at the Lausanne Palace Hotel.

This is the third time that Candidate Cities have been able to present the technical elements of their projects in this format to the IOC membership since the briefing was introduced during the 2016 bid process. The presentations come hot on the heels of the release of the IOC’s Evaluation Commission Report, which gives the members a technical risk analysis of the cities’ projects to help them make their choice for 2020 host city.

Click here for broadcast-quality footage of the three Candidate Cities

 * in the order of the drawing of lots

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