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05 Jun 2014
Tokyo 2020 , IOC News

Tokyo 2020 Executive Board establishes Advisory Meeting

The Executive Board of the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee has announced the establishment of the Tokyo 2020 Advisory Meeting, which comprises a total of 170 leading figures from major domestic stakeholders.

The Advisory Meeting – which is chaired by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe – is made up of representatives from a broad cross-section of Japanese society, and will assist the Organising Committee in its preparations and operations for the 2020 Olympic Games from a variety of perspectives.

Members include Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, who competed in shooting in the 1976 Olympic Games and Sydney 2000 Olympic marathon gold medallist Naoko Takahashi. Other notable members include the governors of the three prefectures most affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The Advisory Meeting is composed of a Chairperson, three Supreme Advisors, eight Special Advisors and a number of official Advisors of which 20% are female.

These appointments complete the key components of Tokyo 2020, and the Advisory Meeting is scheduled to hold its first session this autumn. . (A full list of the 170 members of the Advisory Meeting is available at

The Executive Board – which remains the highest decision making body of Tokyo 2020 – also welcomed its newest member, Haruyuki Takahashi, Chairman of Commons, bringing the total number of Executive Board members to 35.

Another key announcement will see Tokyo 2020 establish partnership arrangements with universities and colleges across Japan, with 545 academic institutions already expressing an interest in being involved. The initiatives will further promote Olympic education and build momentum in local communities. University campuses will host a wide range of events and serve as sporting and Olympic educational hubs for the local communities.

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