UNHCR reopens Nansen Refugee Award nominations for 2016

The UN Refugee Agency is inviting further nominations for the Nansen Refugee Award 2016 for the three week period of 5 April to 25 April 2016.

The prestigious humanitarian award honors an individual or group who has gone beyond the call of duty to assist refugees, internally displaced or stateless persons. The award consists of a commemorative medal and a $100,000 monetary prize donated by the governments of Norway and Switzerland to support a project of the winner's choice to benefit refugees.

Nominations made during this additional period will join nominations from the previous round which closed on 8 February 2016, to be reviewed by the Nansen Refugee Award Selection Committee. The winner will be announced in September 2016.

Anyone can submit a candidate for the Nansen Refugee Award at www.unhcr.org/nansen. The closing date for nominations is now Monday 25 April 2016.