Most Shocking Second a Day videos
What is it?
The Most Shocking Second a Day videos are telling the story of a British girl going about her life with her family when war breaks out in Great Britain. The family is forced to flee and the girl gets separated from her parents. She goes through a very dangerous journey, taking a boat and nearly drowning. The girl eventually ends up in an asylum center in a strange country.
The two films were developed by NGO Save the Children to make people think about the refugee experience and how it could also happen to children in Western Europe if armed conflict happens to break out in this region.
Materials Available
The Most Shocking Second a Day consists of two videos, a first one starting in the United Kingdom in peacetime.
The second one, Still The Most Shocking Second a Day picks up the story when the girl is fleeing and making a dangerous journey over the sea;
Age groups
Suitable for pupils aged 12 - 15 and 15 – 18.
Both videos are available in English.
How to order
Both videos are available via Save the Children’s Youtube channel.