Reposting Policy

By UNHCR Innovation | August 7, 2015

UNHCR Innovation Reblogging and Reposting Policy

Thank you for your interest in UNHCR Innovation and the content on our website. All of our content is original, except where mentioned that an article is reposted. We welcome you to repost any of the original content on this site, provided you comply with the following:

  1. you are providing the material for free and not for commercial use;
  2. you copy and paste no more than 50% of the original article with a clear note on the original author and source of the post;
  3. you include in the repost a full link back to the original UNHCR Innovation URL of the article to view the rest of the content;
  4. you clearly attribute the material to UNHCR Innovation and include the original title and author of the article.
  5. you send a courtesy note letting us know that you plan to repost the content, especially if the article is to be edited or condensed.

Please Note:

UNHCR Innovation permits bloggers to translate original content into additional languages so long as it follows the reblogging policy guidelines above. UNHCR Innovation is not responsible for any mistranslations of the works.

UNHCR Innovation cannot authorise reposting of reblogged content on our website. You must seek permission from the original author in this case.

UNHCR Innovation is also not responsible for additional content found on blogs or websites that reblog, repost or republish works by UNHCR Innovation. We do not endorse blogs, websites, bloggers, journalists, or writers who reblog, repost, or republish works by UNHCR Innovation.

For more information or further questions, please contact UNHCR Innovation at Thank you.