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Nepal: Immigration Rules, 1994

Publisher National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities
Publication Date 1 1994
Cite as National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities, Nepal: Immigration Rules, 1994, 1 1994, available at: [accessed 22 September 2016]
Comments This is an unofficial translted consolidation. The 1994 Rules were amended in 1996: - Immigration (First Amendment) Rules, 1996, issued on 14 October 1996 and was published in the Nepal Rajapatra, Vol 46, No. 27, Aswin 28, 2053 (14 October 1996). It was recorded in the Nepal Recorder, Year 20, No. 21 dated 4 November 1996. With the kind permission of Nepal Press Digest (Private) Ltd, Kathmandu.
DisclaimerThis is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.

In exercise of the power conferred by Section 18 of the 1992 Immigration Act, His Majesty's Government has framed the following rules:

CHAPTER 1 - Preliminary

1. Short Title and Commencement

(1)        These rules may be called the Immigration Rules 1994.

(2)        Rules 29 and 39 of these rules shall come into force on such date as may be prescribed by His Majesty's Government by notification in the Nepal Rajapatra. The other rules shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions

Unless otherwise meant with reference to the subject or context, in these rules,

(a)        Act means the 1992 Immigration Act.

(b)        Tourist means any foreigner who spends at least one night or twenty-four hours in the kingdom of Nepal.

(c)        Family included husband/wife, father and mother, and sons and daughters below 16 years of age.

(d)        Trekking Areas mean areas prescribed by His Majesty's Government as those which require trekking permits.

(e)        Mission means a Royal Nepali Embassy, a Royal Nepali Consulate-General, or a Royal Nepali Consulate in any foreign country; the term includes any permanent or temporary organization or authority established for the purpose of the representation of His Majesty's Government in any foreign country.

(f)         Agency means any individual who provides services to tourists during the period from their arrival and stay to their departure, or any institution which arranges for the tourist traffic under a license issued by HMG.

(g)        Visa year means the period between January 1 and December 31 of any year the purpose of these rules.

CHAPTER 2 - Provisions relating to visas

3. Power of HMG to Issue or Deny Visa

His Majesty's Government shall have full power to issue or deny a visa to any foreigner.

4. Diplomatic Visa

(1)        Except in circumstances when HMG has issued a special order, diplomatic visas shall be granted to individuals who have obtained diplomatic passports form any foreign country and who have been recommended by the concerned foreign diplomatic mission for the grant of diplomatic visas, or who have been deemed appropriate by HMG for the grant of diplomatic facilities, as well as to the family members of individuals who have obtained such diplomatic passports.

(2)        Diplomatic visas shall be granted in one or more installments on the basis of reciprocity for the period of work in Nepal.

(3)        Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 1 must be submitted for diplomatic visas.

Provided that in case requests or recommendations are received along with particulars from a foreign diplomatic mission, or a body authorised for the purpose, it shall not be necessary to submit applications in the form indicated in Schedule 1.

5. Official Visas

(1)        Official visas shall be granted to individuals deemed appropriate by HMG and their families, as well as to the following foreigners and their families on the recommendation of the concerned foreign diplomatic mission.

(a)        Administrative, technical and non-diplomatic employees of residential or non-residential diplomatic missions and consulates in Nepal, and incumbent Honorary Consuls-General, Consuls and their families who visit Nepal form foreign countries.

(b)        Advisors and experts staving in Nepal under agreements signed with HMG.

(c)        Employees of offices of the United Nations Organization or its constituent agencies situated within Nepal and individuals who have obtained laissez-passers issued by the United Nations Organization.

(d)        Employees of international or regional organizations located within Nepal.

(2)        Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 1 must be submitted for official visas .

Provided that in case requests or recommendations along with particulars are received from any foreign diplomatic mission, or a body authorized for the purpose, it shall not be necessary to submit applications in the indicated in Schedule 1.

6. Tourist Visas

(1)        Tourist visas shall be issued to foreign tourists visiting Nepal.

(2)        Tourist visas shall be granted for a term not exceeding five months in a visa-year.

(3)        To tourist who has departed (from Nepal) before the expiry of the term prescribed in his visa issued in any visa-year shall utilise the remaining term by adding it to the (visa-term) of another visa-year.

(4)        In case any foreigner who visits Nepal toward too end of a visa-year desires to utilise the term for which he may stay in Nepal under a tourist visa in the next visa-year, he may do so. Provided that the fee for such period shall be calculated on the basis of the total duration of his stay.

(5)        Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 1 must be submitted to obtain tourist visas.

7. Study Visas

(1)        Foreigners who visit the Kingdom of Nepal for study, teaching or research in any education institution of the Kingdom of Nepal after obtaining the approval of HMG, as well as their families, shall be granted study visas.

(2)        Except in the case of foreigners who have been granted scholarships by HMG, or those who under programs approved by HMG, foreigners who desire to engage in study or research on their own shall be provided with study or research on their own shall be provided with study visas only if they have authoritative sources for spending at least 3,000 U.S.dollars a year in one or several installments based on the monthly average during their stay in Nepal, and least 2,000 U.S. dollars a year for their families, or if they furnish receipts of exchange of foreign currency of an equal amount.

(3)        Study visas shall be granted for a period of one year at a times. In case it becomes necessary to grant study visas for a longer period, the visa term may be extended keeping in view the progress reports of the concerned person's study or research, as well as his activities and other necessary matters.

Provided that in the case of those engaged in study or research, such extension shall be made only for the duration of their research or the duration of the educational degree for which they are studying.

(4)        A letter of recommendation issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Social Welfare of HMG must be submitted to obtain a study visa.

(5)        Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 2 must be submitted to obtain study visas.

8. Non-Tourist Visas

(1)        Non-tourist visas shall be granted to the following foreigners and their family members:

(a)        Foreigners engaged in social or economic development activities, which are approved by His Majesty's Government, whose expenses are to be met by governmental or nongovernmental organizations of friendly foreign nations.

(b)        Foreigners recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for employment in agencies operated by foreign missions based in Nepal.

(c)        Foreign representatives recommended by the Ministry of Information and Communications for employment in foreign newspapers and magazines and news agencies.

(d)        Foreigners recommended by the appropriate Ministry for employment in the capacity of attendants of foreigners who have obtained diplomatic or official visas.

(e)        Foreigners permitted by HMG to work on remuneration in any firm, company, institution, industry or enterprise within the Kingdom of Nepal.

(f)         Foreigners recommended by the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation for employment in any international airlines in the Kingdom of Nepal.

(g)        Foreigners, who were a citizen of Nepal before obtaining a foreign passport, visiting Nepal to meet their relatives.

(h)        Foreigners who have matrimonial relations with Nepali nationals and who submit certificate of registration of marriage.

(i)         Foreigners who have arrived in Nepal on the recommendation of the appropriate Ministry to work in accordance with agreements or understandings reached at the governmental or non-governmental level.

(j)         Foreigners recommended by the appropriate Ministry for a period not exceeding six months to conduct feasibility studies of industries or enterprises.

(k)        Team leaders of foreigners applying for their tour of Nepal on a group basis along with the recommendation of the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation.

(l)         Other foreigners deemed appropriate by HMG.

(2)        Non-tourist visas shall be granted for a period not exceeding one year at a time ; the term may be extended according to need.

(3)        The amount of money to be spent by a foreigner wishing to obtain a non-tourist visa during his stay in Nepal, and the authoritative source thereof, shall be as prescribed by HMG by notification in the Nepal Rajapatra.

(4)        (Any foreigner who wishes to obtain) a non-tourist visa must submit an application in the form indicated in Schedule 2.

Provided that foreigners mentioned in Clause (h) of Sub-Rule (1) shall do so in the form indicated in Schedule 2A.

9. Business Visas

(1)        Business visas shall be granted to the following foreigners and their families :

(a)        Foreigners permitted to make investments in industrial or commercial sectors within the Kingdom of Nepal, or the authorized representatives of such industrial or commercial agencies.

(b)        Foreigners permitted to make investments for export trade from the Kingdom of Nepal.

(2)        Except otherwise provided for in these rules, business visas shall be granted for a period not exceeding five years at time and their term may be extended according to need.

(3)        Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 2 must be submitted for business visas.

10. Transit Visas

(1)        In case the air tickets of any foreigner who has entered into the Kingdom of Nepal en route to another country are confirmed, he shall be issued a transit visa at the airport for a period of 48 hours.

(2)        Transit visas shall be granted ordinarily for a period of one week to those who have departed form the Kingdom of Nepal but denied entry into another country and are sent back to Nepal, or the those travelling in aircraft which land in Nepal unexpectedly for any reason.

(3)        Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 3 must be submitted for transit visas.

11. Residential Visas

(1)        Residential visas shall be granted to foreigners of the following categories who wish to spend their life in the Kingdom of Nepal, as well as to their families:

(a)        Persons of international reputation.

(b)        Persons capable of rendering special contributions to the economic, social and cultural development of the Kingdom of Nepal.

(c)        Persons who have relinquished Nepali citizenship, and hold foreign passports with of without acquiring foreign citizenship, and now wish to settle down in Nepal.

(d)        Persons who invest at least one million US dollars in the lump sum in the industrial enterprises of Nepal.

(e)        Foreigners desirous of spending their life in the Kingdom of Nepal without engaging in any business.

(2)        The mission which recommends the grant of residential visas to foreigners mentioned in Sub- Rule (1) must also send their application to the Department through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(3)        Any foreigner who wishes to obtain a residential visa under Clause (e) of Sub-Rule (1) must submit evidence e of having spent or planned to spend at least 20,000 US dollars each year in a lump or in instalments.

(4)        Any foreigner who wishes to obtain a residential visa must submit an application to the Department of the appropriate mission in the form indicated in Schedule 4.

(5)        The format of residential visas shall be as indicated in Schedule 4A.

12. Authorities empowered to issue and renew visas

(1)        The following categories of visas shall be issued and renewed by the following authorities:

Category of Visa:

Visa Issuing and Renewing Authority:

(a) Diplomatic visa

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Provided that the Mission or the Immigration Office located at the point of entry may grant diplomatic visas (in the form of entry visas) for a period not exceeding 30 days.

(b) Official visa

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Provided that the Mission or the Immigration Office located at the pointy of entry may grant official visas (in the form of entry visas) for a period not exceeding 30 days.

(c) Tourist visa

(1)The Mission or the Immigration Officer, for 15 or 30 days' single entry visas, or 60 days' multiple entry visas (in the form of an entry visa).


(2)The Director-General, for 90 days after (the expiry of the term of) a single entry visa obtained in the form of entry visa; for 60 days after (the expiry of the term of) a 60-day multiple entry visa.


(3)The Director-General, as sanctioned by the Ministry of Home for 30 days thereafter.


(4)The Immigration Officer may extend the term of visas of any foreigner for not more than seven days at the point of departure within a period of 120 days.

(d) Study visa


(e) Non-tourist visa


(f) Business visa


(g)Transit visa

Mission or Immigration Officer

(h) Residential visa

Ministry of Home for the first year, and the Department for renewal thereof.

(2)        The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must submit the Department on a monthly basis the particulars of persons who have been granted visas under Clauses (a) and of Sub-Rule (1), explicitly mentioning their names, nationality, passport number, and term of the visa.

(3)        The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must submit to the Department on a monthly basis particulars of revenue collected by missions through the issue of visas under clauses other than (a) and (b) of Sub-Rule (1).

13. Power to deny visas of entry into the Kingdom of Nepal

Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules, the Immigration Officer may deny visas or entry into the Kingdom of Nepal to the following categories of foreigners at the point of entry:

(a)        (Foreigners) whose passports and visas seem suspicious.

(b)        (Foreigners) who have been expelled from the Kingdom of Nepal, or whose entry into the Kingdom of Nepal is prohibited in consideration of actions contrary to the act of theses rules.

14. Power to prohibit departure from the Kingdom of Nepal

The Department or the Immigration Office may prohibit departure from the Kingdom of Nepal of foreigners of the following categories:

(a)        (Foreigners) who have no valid passports or visas for entry into the country they intend to visit.

(b)        In case any notice for prohibiting departure (of a foreigner) from the Kingdom of Nepal is received from any empowered authority along with reasons for doing so.

15. Entry or exit points

Points of entry into or exit from the Kingdom of Nepal for foreigners who have obtained visas shall be as mentioned in Schedule 5.

16. Arrival and departure forms to be filled up

(1)        Every foreigner entering into the Kingdom of Nepal must fill up the arrival Form mentioned in Schedule 6 and submit it to the Immigration Office. Every foreigner departing from the Kingdom of Nepal must fill up the Departure Form mentioned in Schedule 6A and submit it to the Immigration Office.

(2)        The Immigration Office shall, on the basis of the forms submitted under Sub-Rule (1), prepare a daily record of the arrival of foreigners in the form indicated in Schedule 7, as well a record of departure of foreigners in the form indicated in Schedule 7A, and forward them to the Department.

17. Arrivals and departures to be certified

Every individual entering into or departing from the Kingdom of Nepal must have his entry or departure certified at the point of entry or departure. In case any person who has failed to do so submits an application along with the reasons, the Department may if it so deems appropriate after investigations, certify the entry or departure.

18. Documents to be produced

Every foreigner shall promptly produce his passport, visa, trekking permit, and related documents if so demanded by the employees of the Department or its subordinate offices, or, in areas where there are no such employees, by the officer-employees of the District Administration Office, or the employees of the Police or the Border Administration.

19. Notice of change of address

(1)        In case the address of stay in Nepal mentioned in the application submitted for obtaining visa or for an extension of visa is changed, the concerned foreigner must notify the Department, its offices, of the local Police Office accordingly along with his name and passport number within a period of seven days on a compulsory basis.

(2)        In case any foreigner who stays in the Kingdom of Nepal for more than 120 days visits any place within the Kingdom of Nepal for more than 24 hours, he must present himself before the local Police Office and register his particulars explicitly mentioning his name, passport number, and address.

20. Prohibition to work

(l)         No foreigner who has obtained a visa in the capacity of a tourist or a family member under these rules shall be entitled to work in any industry, trade, business or institution with or without remuneration during his stay within the Kingdom of Nepal.

(2)        No foreigner who has obtained a visa under these rules shall do anything other than the purpose for which he has obtained the visa.

21. Notice of cancellation of visa

In case any foreigner who has obtained a visa other than a tourist visa is unable to stay (in the Kingdom of Nepal) for the term for which he has obtained the visa for any reason, he or the Chief of the Office connected with his work must notify the authority issuing the visa within seven days on a compulsory basis for the cancellation of his visa.

22. Suspension of visa

In case any foreigner is detained in connection with any action under current law, or in case any legal action is taken against him, the visa obtained by him shall be considered to have been suspended so long as he is detained or until the legal action is disposed of. He need not obtain visa for the period of such detention or until the legal action is completed. He may be asked to leave the Kingdom of Nepal within seven days from the date of his release from detention or of the date of disposal of the legal action taken against him.

23. Power to change category of visa

In the case any foreigner who has arrived (in the Kingdom of Nepal) after obtaining a visa submits an application for another category of visa after the purpose for which he had obtained the visa is over, the authority mentioned in Rule 12 may issue a visa of another category, subject to the provisions of the act and these rules.

24. Power to make recommendations or issue visas on temporary basis

(1)In case it seems that there will be delay in making recommendations for study, non-tourist or business visas, the appropriate Ministry may make recommendations for such visas on a temporary basis for a term not exceeding three months, explicitly mentioning the reasons.

(2)In case foreigners coming under Clause (L) of Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 8 need some time to submit certificates of registration of marriage, the Department may grant them non-tourist visas for a term not exceeding three months on the recommendation of the authority or embassy of the concerned country.

25. Power to issue travel permits

The Department may issue travel permits to any foreigner who is not in a position to obtain a new passport because of the loss of his passport, or its damage in such a way that it is unfit for use, or because of the expiry of its term, or for any other reason, to enable him to return to his country.

Provided that such permits in the case of diplomatic and official passport-holders shall be issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

26. Visa transfers

In circumstances when any foreigner has obtained a travel permit under Rule 25 or obtained a new passport because of the loss or expiry of the term of the old passport, the Department may transfer his visa to the (new) passport or travel permit.

27. Applications for extension of term of visa

Applications in the form indicated in Schedule 8 must be submitted in order to have the term of visas, other than diplomatic and official visas, extended.

28. Circumstances in which visas may be cancelled

(1)        The Department may cancel visas issued to foreigners in the following circumstances:

(a)        In the case (any foreigner) does not produce an international health certificate when demanded.

(b)        In case he is insane or of unsound mind.

(c)        case he is found to have committed a serious offense of a criminal nature and has escaped (to Nepal).

(d)        In case he suffers from any serious or communicable disease.

(e)        In case his presence is likely to harm the peace and security of the Kingdom of Nepal, or mutual good will among the people of Nepal.

(f)         In case he behaves in a suspicious manner, or engages in undesirable activities, or instigates others to do so.

(g)        In case (his presence) is likely to harm the social and cultural atmosphere of the Kingdom of Nepal.

(h)        In case he acts in contravention of the act, these rules, and other current laws, or instigates others to do so.

(i)         In case he does not act in accordance with the purpose for which he has been granted a visa, and, instead, does something else.

(2)        Fees paid in consideration of visas which have been cancelled under Sub-Rule (1) shall not be refunded.

29. Fees

(l)         Visa and other fees to be collected while issuing visas for entry into or stay in the Kingdom of Nepal, for extension of term of visas, or regularization of visas of those foreigners who have stayed beyond the term prescribed in their visas, issuing travel permits, or transferring visas, shall be as specified in Schedule 9.

Provided no visa fee shall be collected from children below 10 years of age.

(2)        In the case of citizens of countries which charge visa fees at rates higher or lower than the rates mentioned in Sub-Rule (1), visa fees shall be collected on a reciprocal basis.

30. Provisions relating to single-entry, double-entry or multiple-entry facilities

(1)        While issuing visas under these rules, the facility of single-entry, double-entry or multiple- entry may also be provided.

(2)        The facility granted under Sub-Rule (1) shall remain valid until the period prescribed for entry under the visa if it has been issued by a mission, and until the expiry of the term of visa in the case of visa issued by the Office or the Department.

Provided that the total period of stay in Nepal of a foreigner who has obtained such facility shall not exceed the period mentioned at the time of granting the facility, except in circumstances when other facilities have been on obtain, or the term has been extended.

31. Waiver of visa fees

A rebate or full exemption from visa fees may be granted to the following persons in the following circumstances while issuing visas for entry into or stay in the Kingdom of Nepal and extending the term of visas:

(a)        Foreigners who have obtained diplomatic or official visas.

(b)        Foreigners who arrive (in the Kingdom of Nepal) to participate in seminars, conferences, training programs or meetings organized by HMG, or by bodies owned y HMG, the UN, regional organization, international organizations or associations, or agencies thereunder.

(c)        Reputed persons belonging to countries having diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Nepal.

(d)        Citizens of any country on the basis of reciprocity.

(e)        Children of Nepali parents, or those one of whose parents is a Nepali national, who are not more than 16 years of age and who hold foreign passports.

(f)         Persons of Nepali origin who obtain passports for the first time from foreign missions based in the Kingdom of Nepal for the period until they go abroad.

(g)        Persons who arrive (in the Kingdom of Nepal) on HMG scholarships, or to participate in programs approved by HMG.

(h)        Persons who cannot depart from the Kingdom of Nepal because of cancellation of their flights, for the period until they depart through another flight.

(i)         Foreigners who are required to stay (in the Kingdom of Nepal) for a period longer than the period prescribed in the visa due to circumstances beyond their control, or while regularising (visas) under Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 29.

CHAPTER III - Provisions relating to trekking

32. Application to be submitted for trekking permits

Any foreigner who desires to trek in any part of the Kingdom of Nepal must apply to the Department for a trekking permit in the form indicated in Schedule 10. Agencies who wish to arrange for foreigners' trekking within the Kingdom of Nepal on a group basis must do so in the form indicated in Schedule 10A.

33. Issue of trekking permits

On receipt of applications under Rule 32, the Department may issue trekking permits in the form indicated in Schedule 11 to individual trekkers of trekkers trekking through agencies after specifying the trekking routes in areas other than those where foreigners' entry has been prohibited by HMG, and ensuring that the term of the visas of the concerned foreigners is not exceeded.

34. Maximum number of trekkers

(1)        The number of foreigners who are to be allowed to trek in any trekking area within the Kingdom of Nepal shall be as determined by HMG every year.

(2)        The Department shall not issue trekking permits in such a way as to exceed the number prescribed under Sub-Rule (1).

35. Only specified trekking routes to be used

No one shall trek through any route other than the route specified in the trekking permit issued under Rule 33, or enter into prohibited areas. Agencies arranging for other than the route prescribed in the trekking permit or to prohibited areas.

36. Trekking permits to be surrendered

Foreigners who trek in the Kingdom of Nepal must surrender the trekking permits issued to them under Rule 33 to the Immigration Office of the point of departure at the time of their departure from the Kingdom of Nepal.

37. Circumstances in which trekking permits may be cancelled

(1)        The Department may cancel the trekking permit issued to any foreigner in the following circumstances:

(a)        in case his visa is cancelled under Rule 28;

(b)        in case he treks in any area or through any route other than the one mentioned in the trekking permit;

(c)        in case he does not comply with the other conditions mentioned in Rule 41;

(d)        in case he does not comply with the other conditions mentioned in the trekking permit;

(e)        in case he violates any provisions of the act or these rules.

(2)        Fees paid in consideration of trekking permits which have been cancelled under Sub-Rule (1) shall not be refunded.

38. Facilities to be provided to Nepalis accompanying trekkers

(1)        Trekking tourists or teams must have the Nepalis accompanying them on trekking insured against personal accidents as prescribed by HMG and notify the Department accordingly before going on trek.

(2)        Trekking tourists or teams must pay daily remunerations at rates not lower than those prescribed by HMG, as well as such other facilities as necessary outfits and equipment, to Nepalis accompanying them.

(3)        In case any person who is to be insured under Sub-Rule (1) is engaged in work before having him insured and sustains injuries or becomes disabled or dies in an accident, the trekking tourist or team must pay him or his nearest heir in the form of a compensation the amount that he would have been entitled to if he had been insured against personal accidents.

39. Trekking permit fees

Trekking permit fees shall be as prescribed in Schedule 12.

Provided that the Department may grant rebates in trekking permit fees to foreigners of the following categories:

(a)        foreigners who have obtained diplomatic visas;

(b)        foreigners who request for trekking permits to visit areas connected with their work under agreements signed with HMG, if such agreements provide that no fee shall be collected;

(c)        foreigners connected with plans or programs of HMG if their fields of work lie in trekking areas;

(d)        children below 10 years of age who accompany their father or mother in trekking.

CHAPTER IV - Rules to be complied with at times of entry and departure

40. Passports to be stamped at entry and departure points

Every Nepali national going abroad from or entering into the Kingdom of Nepal from a foreign country along with his passport must have his passport stamped by the Immigration Office at the point of his entry and departure.

41. Rules to be complied with by foreigners

Every foreigner entering into, staying in or trekking in the Kingdom of Nepal or departing from the Kingdom of Nepal must comply with the following rules in addition to the provisions of the act and these rules:

(a)        he must not visit a trekking area without a permit;

(b)        he must not participate in politics;

(c)        he must not keep or use goods prohibited by current laws or indulge in any prohibited action;

(d)        he must not engage or instigate other s to engage in any activity which is opposed to local traditions and custom;

(e)        he must comply with the instructions issued by the empowered authority in the trekking area.

42. Rules to be complied with by Agencies

Agencies must comply with the following rules in addition to other provisions and conditions of the act and these rules:

(a)        any Nepali or foreign company, institution or individual operating aircraft, vehicles, or any other means of transportation for taking passengers from the Kingdom of Nepal to other countries, or bringing them to the Kingdom of Nepal, must furnish lists of Nepali or foreign passengers, as well as of members of the crew or other persons operating such means of transportation whenever demanded by the appropriate office;

(b)        foreigners who do not have valid passports, or who have been deported, or whose entry has been banned, must not be brought in;

(c)        the party which brings in a foreigner whose entry has been banned under these rules will have to bear the liability of taking him back at the time directed by the Department or Office;

(d)        foreigners who have not obtained passports, visas or permits must not be kept in any hotel or rented building or provided with any service;

(e)        monthly reports of foreigners staying in (hotels, etc.) as well as of those who have been provided with services, must be submitted to the Department within the first week of the next month.

CHAPTER V - Miscellaneous

43. Special provisions relating to mountaineers

(1)        Foreigners who have obtained mountaineering permits must obtain trekking permits to go for and come back from mountaineering.

Provided they need not pay fees for such permits.

(2)        Foreigners who go for mountaineering must also pay visa fees for the period of mountaineering.

Provided the period of mountaineering shall not be included in the term of tourist visas.

44. (Deported foreigners) to stay at places prescribed by the Department

(1)        Foreigners against whom deportation orders have been issued under the act or these rules must stay at the place specified by the Department until they depart from the Kingdom of Nepal. They must themselves bear the expenses required for their departure from Nepal.

(2)        Deportation orders shall be in the form indicated in Schedule 13.

45. Language of Forms

Forms mentioned in these rules may be printed and used in English also according to need.

46. Power to make changes or alterations in schedules

HMG may make necessary changes or alterations in the Schedules by notification in the Nepal Rajapatra.

47. Repeal and saving

(1)        The 1976 Foreigners Regulations have been repealed.

(2)        Notwithstanding anything contained in the 1984 Trekking and Rafting Rules, action in respect to trekking shall be taken as mentioned in these rules.

(3)        In respect to matters provided for in these rules action shall be taken accordingly, and, in respect to other matters, action shall be taken according to current laws.


Schedule 1: Application Form for Diplomatic/Official/Tourist visa;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 2: Application Form for Study/non-Tourist/Business visa;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 2A: Application Form for non-Tourist visa (for foreigners married to Nepali nationals);

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 3: Application Form for Tourist visa;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 4: Application Form for Residential visa;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 4A: Form of Residential visa;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 5: Entry and Exit-Points for Foreigners Requiring Visas.

(a)        Kakarbhitta, Jhapa,

(b)        Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu,

(c)        Kodari, Sindhupalchok,

(d)        Birganj, Parsa,

(e)        Belahiya (Sunouli) Rupandehi,

(f)         Jamunaha, Nepalganj, Banke,

(g)        Mohana, Dhangadhi, Kailali.

Schedule 6: Arrival Form;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 6A: Departure Form;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 7: Arrival Record;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 7A: Departure Record;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 8: Application Form for Extension of Visa Term;

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule - 9 - Visa Fees

(amended by Amendments to the Immigration Rules, 1996)

1. Fees to be Collected by Missions and Immigration Offices at Entry Points While Issuing Tourist Visas

(a)        For Single-Entry: US $ 15 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency for not more than 15 days: US $ 25 or equivalent amount in any other convertible currency for more than 15 days but less than 30 days.

(b)        or Double Entry: US $ 40 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency for not more than 30 days.

(c)        For Multiple Entry: US $ 60 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency for not more than 60 days.

Provided that the period of validity of double-entry and multiple-entry visas so obtained shall be counted only for 30 days and 60 days respectively beginning from the date of first entry into Nepal.

2. Fees to be Collected for Reentry Facility in Tourist Visas to be Provided by the Department.

(a)        For Single Entry: Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 25.

(b)        For Double Entry: Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 40.

(c)        For Multiple Entry: Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 60.

3. Fees to be Collected While Extending the Term of or Regularizing Tourist Visas.

(a)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 1 per day for extension of the term after the expiry of the term mentioned in Serial No. 1.

(b)        In case it becomes necessary to regularize the visa of a Foreigner who has stayed (in Nepal) without extending the term of his tourist visa, a fee at the rate of US $ 1 per day for a period less than 30 days, US $ 2 per day for 31 to 90 days, and US $ 5 per day for any number of days exceeding 90 days, shall be collected in addition to the general visa extension fee payable under these rules.

4. Fees to be Collected While Issuing or Extending the Term of Study Visas.

(a)        US $ 25 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency in case it becomes necessary to issue a 30 day study visa at the time of entry.

(b)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 40 per month for issuing or extending the term of a study visa.

5. Fees to be Collected While Issuing or Extending the Term of Non-Tourist Visas.

(a)        US $ 25 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency in case it becomes necessary to issue a 30-day non-tourist visa at the time of entry.

(b)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 10 per month for a foreigner of Nepali origin and a foreign passport holding child of a Nepali father or mother.

(c)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 10 per month for a licensed journalist.

(d)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 20 per month for a foreigner directly engaged in HMG office or project.

(e)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 20 per month for a foreigner married to a Nepali national.

(f)         Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 60 per month in the first year, and US $ 100 per month from the second year, for other foreigners.

(g)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 5 per month for a Chinese national of Tibetan origin visiting (Nepal) to meet his relatives.

6. Fees to be Collected While Issuing or Extending the Term of Business Visas

(a)        US $ 25 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency in case it becomes necessary to issue a 30-day business visa at the time of entry.

(b)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 350 per year for issuing or extending the term of a business visa with multiple entry facility ; Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 1,500 for a five-year period.

7. Fees to be Collected While Issuing Interim (Transit) Visas

US $ 5 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency.

8. Fees to be Collected While Issuing or Renewing Residential Visas With Multiple-Entry Facility

Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 200 for the first time ; and Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 100 per year for renewal.

9. Fees to be Collected While Regularizing Visas of Foreigners Who Have Stayed (in Nepal) Without Extending the Term of Business, Study or Non-Tourist Visa.

In the case of foreigners who have stayed (in Nepal) without extending the term of their business, study or non-tourist visas, an additional fee amounting to 50 percent for less than 30 days, and 100 percent thereafter, of the amount of fee payable for the concerned visa under these rules shall be collected.

10. In case it becomes necessary to obtain the single-entry, double-entry, or multiple-entry facility in visas other than tourist and business visas, Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 25, US $ 40 and US $ 60 respectively shall be collected.

11. Other Fees

(a)        In case it becomes necessary to issue tourist visas to foreigners who have entered from entry points without obtaining visas, an additional fee amounting to 25 percent of the fee payable for the visa under these rules shall be collected in equivalent Nepali currency.

(b)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 20 while issuing travel' permits.

(c)        Nepali currency equivalent to US $ 1 while certifying arrivals or departures, or transferring visas.

12. Calculation of Visa Fees

For the purpose of calculating the amount of fee payable for a visa other than a tourist visa, the term of such visa shall be calculated in such a way that if its term is less than 15 days, it shall be treated as 15 days, and if it is more than 15 days but less than one month, it shall be treated as one month.

Schedule 10: Application Form for trekking permit.

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 10A: Application Form for trekking permits through Agencies.

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 11: Form of trekking permit.

[form not reproduced here]

Schedule 12: Trekking permit fees

(1)- Upper Mustang area and Upper Dolpa area

For the first 10 days: US$ 700 or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency, per individual.

For each day thereafter: US$ 70, or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency, per individual.

(2)- Manaslu area

US$ 90, or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency, per individual per week, during the period between September and November.

US$ 75, or equivalent amount in any other convertible foreign currency, per individual per week, during the period between December and August.

(3)- Humla (Simikot-Yari) area

US$ 90, or equivalent amount in convertible foreign currency, per individual per week, and US$ 15, or equivalent amount in convertible foreign currency, per individual for each day thereafter.

(4)- Kanchanjanga and Lower Dolpa area

Nepali currency equivalent to US$ 10 per individual per week for the first 4 weeks, and Nepali currency equivalent to US$ 20 per individual per week thereafter.

(5)- Other areas opened for trekking

Nepali currency equivalent to US$ 5 per individual per week for the first 4 weeks, and Nepali currency equivalent to US$ 10 per individual per week thereafter.

Schedule 13: Form of Deportation Order.

(amended by Amendments to the Immigration Rules, 1996)

[form not reproduced here]


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