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As confirmed during the Olympic Summit held at the IOC Headquarters in November 2013, ensuring respect for the principles of good governance and ethics is an ongoing struggle.

“We cannot expect others to adhere to high ethical standards if we do not do so ourselves. We cannot expect proper conduct on the field of play if we do not have good governance within the Olympic Family.” (Jacques Rogge, Congress Opening Ceremony Speech, XIII Olympic Congress Copenhagen 2009: Proceedings, p. 16).

[…] we should go a step further in order to ensure that the ethical principles enshrined in the Olympic Charter are respected by sports organisations at all levels and that they are all committed to the principles of good governance. IOC President Thomas Bach XIII Olympic Congress Copenhagen 2009

Good governance is part of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism. It serves to get the respect and confidence of all partners.

The Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance were approved by the Congress.

The article C1 of the Code of ethics mentions that “The Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance of the Olymipc and Sports Movement, in particular transparency, responsibility and accountability, must be respected by all Olympic constituents”.

  • Transparency of the Rules: clear texts must exist and be accessible and circulated. Financial transparency, in particular financial commitments, tender process, disclosure of financial information, accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, audit by a qualified, independent entity.
  • Transparency of management (agenda –documentation)
  • Transparency of managers (job descriptions - objective criteria for recruitment)
  • Transparency of risk-management
  • Efficient internal communication
  • Share responsibility: clear text on the respective responsibilities (political/management decisions)
  • Controlled responsibilities: clear and regular reporting from elected and appointed office-holders
  • Regular and legitimate elections
  • Right to appeal about all forms of disciplinary measures
  • Respect of minorities: respect of the right of expression (freedom of speech)
Conflict of interests

A conflict of interests situation can easily arise and this is an individual responsibility to avoid any conflict of interests.

There is a conflict of interests when a decision or opinion may be considered as liable to be influenced by relations the person has, has had or is about to have, with a third party.

If in doubt, please speak out to clarify the situation.

Money from sport must go to sport

The Code of ethics (C.2.) stipulates “The Olympic resources of the Olympic parties may be used only for Olympic purposes”.

This is why the use of Olympic resources for Olympic purposes must be clearly demonstrated in the accounts.

Integrity and Compliance Hotline

This Hotline can be used to:

Report suspicious approaches or activities related to competition manipulation. For all football related reports, please use the existing reporting mechanisms of FIFA and UEFA. For all doping related reports, please contact the World Anti-Doping Agency or your national/regional responsible authority. Infringements of the IOC Code of Ethics or other matters including financial misconduct or other legal, regulatory and ethical breaches over which the IOC has jurisdiction.

Statue in front of the Olympic Museum
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