
All Refugees
Last updated 31 Aug 2016
* Household data may be unavailable for some locations.
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   All Refugees by sublocation

Location name Source Data date Population
Bangui 31 Aug 2016
Haut-Mbomou 31 Aug 2016
Ouaka 31 Aug 2016

   All Refugees by Origin

Country of origin Source Data date Population
Dem. Rep. of the Congo 31 Aug 2016

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  • WFP Central African Republic: Emergency Dashboard, September 2016

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • LRA Crisis Tracker Rapport Août 2016

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • LRA crisis monthly brief: August 2016

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • République centrafricaine: Aperçu humanitaire (au 26 septembre 2016)

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • Global Peace Index 2016

    Publish date: 8 June 2016 (3 months ago)
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  • RCA: Aperçu des Besoins Humanitaires (HNO)

    Publish date: 15 April 2016 (5 months ago)
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  • Central African Republic: addressing the protection crisis

    Publish date: 26 November 2015 (10 months ago)
    Upload date: 26 November 2015 (10 months ago)
  • WFP Central African Republic: Emergency Dashboard, September 2016

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • République centrafricaine: Aperçu humanitaire (au 26 septembre 2016)

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
    Upload date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
  • RCA: Bangui, Protection et assistance aux réfugiés urbains et demandeurs d’asile, Données du mois d’Août 2016

    Publish date: 23 September 2016 (7 days ago)
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  • RCA – Actuelle – Analyse de la situation de l’insécurité alimentaire aiguë, août 2016

    Publish date: 23 September 2016 (7 days ago)
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  • UNHCR DR Congo Factsheet, 31 August 2016

    Publish date: 23 September 2016 (7 days ago)
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  • LRA Crisis Tracker Rapport Août 2016

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • LRA crisis monthly brief: August 2016

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • CAR: Monkey-pox DREF Operation Final Report (MDRCF020)

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • WFP Central African Republic Country Brief, August 2016

    Publish date: 23 September 2016 (7 days ago)
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  • Tendance des flux de population

    Publish date: 13 September 2016 (17 days ago)
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  • République centrafricaine: Aperçu humanitaire (au 26 septembre 2016)

    Publish date: 29 September 2016 (1 day ago)
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  • KAGA-BANDORO: Qui a un Sous-Bureau Ou ? (2W) (Sept. 2016)

    Publish date: 20 September 2016 (10 days ago)
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  • RCA Sous Bureau de Kaga : Qui Fait Quoi Ou ? (3W:OP) Septembre 2016

    Publish date: 20 September 2016 (10 days ago)
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  • Sites des IDPs hors Bangui

    Publish date: 13 September 2016 (17 days ago)
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  • Sites des IDP a Bangui

    Publish date: 13 September 2016 (17 days ago)
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  • Central African Republic: 2016 HRP Funding update at 15 September 2016

    Publish date: 23 September 2016 (7 days ago)
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  • CAR Situation – UNHCR Funding update 09 Feb 2016

    Publish date: 10 February 2016 (7 months ago)
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  • UNHCR - Central African Republic Situation - Funding Update as of 22 December 2015

    Publish date: 22 December 2015 (9 months ago)
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  • UNHCR - Central African Republic Situation - Funding update as of 14 December 2015

    Publish date: 15 December 2015 (9 months ago)
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  • UNHCR - Central African Republic Situation - Funding update as of 8 December 2015

    Publish date: 11 December 2015 (9 months ago)
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  • ACLED CONFLICT TRENDS (NO. 49) June 2016

    Publish date: 9 June 2016 (3 months ago)
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  • UNHCR Mid-Year Trends 2015

    Publish date: 18 December 2015 (9 months ago)
    Upload date: 18 December 2015 (9 months ago)
  • IDPs Statistics in CAR 03032015

    Publish date: 13 March 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 13 March 2015 (1 year ago)
  • WFP CAR Dashboards

    Publish date: 26 January 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 26 January 2015 (1 year ago)
  • CCCM Statistiques 041114

    CCCM Statistiques 041114
    Publish date: 10 November 2014 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 10 November 2014 (1 year ago)
  • RCA: Plan de Réponse Humanitaire (HRP) 2016

    Publish date: 15 April 2016 (5 months ago)
    Upload date: 15 April 2016 (5 months ago)
  • Central African Republic - Regional Refugee Response Plan - Jan-Dec 2016 version2

    Publish date: 9 February 2016 (7 months ago)
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  • Humanitarian Action for Children 2016 - Central African Republic

    Publish date: 27 January 2016 (8 months ago)
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  • UNHCR RoC newsletter September 2015

    Publish date: 27 August 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 27 August 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Advocacy Notes- Housing Land and Property rights- Focus on Women

    Advocacy Notes- Housing Land and Property rights- Focus on Women
    Publish date: 19 March 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 19 March 2015 (1 year ago)
  • Cluster Education - 2014 Strategie

    Publish date: 22 April 2015 (1 year ago)
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  • Termes de référence su Cluster Education en RCA (juillet 2014)

    Publish date: 22 April 2015 (1 year ago)
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  • UNICEF CAR Humanitarian Sitrep December 2014

    Publish date: 23 January 2015 (1 year ago)
    Upload date: 23 January 2015 (1 year ago)
  • PAM et FAO: Sécurité Alimentaire et Implications Humanitaires en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel

    Publish date: 9 May 2016 (4 months ago)
    Upload date: 9 May 2016 (4 months ago)
  •   News


    Ongwen Trial Update || ICC Prosecutor to Focus on Gender-Based Crimes

    Invisible Children, 28 Sep 2016

    In early 2015, former LRA commander and International Criminal Court (ICC)-indictee Dominic Ongwen surrendered to security forces in the Central African Republic (CAR) and was later transferred to the custody of the ICC to await trial in The Hague, where he remains now that trial proceedings have be... Read more


    La Minusca exige le départ des groupes armés de toutes les écoles occupées

    MINUSCA, 28 Sep 2016

    Alors que l’année scolaire 2016-2017 vient de débuter, la Mission Multidimensionnelle Intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en République Centrafricaine (MINUSCA) constate que des groupes armés occupent encore les bâtiments de certaines écoles ou installent des barrières à proximité de pl... Read more


    Centrafrique : l'ONU condamne des attaques contre des travailleurs humanitaires

    UN News Centre, 27 Sep 2016

    27 septembre 2016 – Le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la coordination des affaires humanitaires (BCAH) en République centrafricaine (RCA) a condamné mardi les agressions dont ont été la cible des travailleurs humanitaires dans la région de Kaga Bandoro, préfecture de la Nana-Gribizi. « Au cours du... Read more


    Des infrastructures publiques rénovées à Bossangoa et Nana-Bakassa

    MINUSCA, 27 Sep 2016

    Nombreux sont les bâtiments publics qui affichent aujourd’hui une dégradation plus ou moins avancée, à la suite des crises successives qu’a connues le pays. Certains ont été saccagés, d’autres vétustes. Le Lycée moderne de Bossangoa, la sous-Préfecture et la brigade de Gendarmerie de Nana-bakassa (P... Read more


    Witness to soldiers' sexual abuse in Bangui speaks out on finding safe haven

    The Guardian, 27 Sep 2016

    Metres away from passengers awaiting their flights in the departure lounge of M’Poko airport in Bangui, tens of thousands of people shelter inside old jumbo-jets, under hangars or in ramshackle tents. Marie Valentine, 66, is one of them. She remembers vividly the bullets flying in all directions ... Read more

       Central African Republic

    fr, sg
    622,980 km2
    1,503,299,944 USD
    GDP growth
    Income level
    Low income
    Gini index
    Literacy rate


    MINUSCA: Security situation in Kaga Bandoro and Ndomété has improved since last weekend’s violence
    23 Sep 2016
    MINUSCA: La situation sécuritaire à Kaga Bandoro et Ndomété s'est améliorée depuis les incidents violents du weekend dernier
    23 Sep 2016
    Central African Republic has ‘turned its back on past dark days,’ President tells UN
    23 Sep 2016
    Minusca strongly condemns the acts of violence perpetrated by ex- Seleka to Dekoa
    06 Sep 2016
    La MINUSCA condamne fermement les actes de violence perpétrées par les ex-séléka à Dékoa
    06 Sep 2016
    WHO heightens health response to cholera outbreak in CAR, 10 August 2016
    10 Aug 2016


    Open Data for Central African Republic
    Déplacés internes
    Shelter and NFI Cluster - CAR
    New Videos on Child Protection
    The Child Protection Working Group has produced a series of short and accessible videos on the Child Protection Minimum Standards. Further videos on “Dangers and injuries,” “Physical violence and other harmful practices” and “Justice for children” as well as further translations are coming soon. Dates of live webinars to introduce the series will be announced soon.