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Welcome to the IOC's Integrity and Compliance Hotline

This Hotline can be used to:

  1. Report suspicious approaches or activities related to competition manipulation.
    For all football related reports, please use the existing reporting mechanisms of FIFA and UEFA. For all doping related reports, please contact the World Anti-Doping Agency or your national/regional responsible authority.
  2. Infringements of the IOC Code of Ethics or other matters including financial misconduct or other legal, regulatory and ethical breaches over which the IOC has jurisdiction.
  3. Report incidents when you feel that you may have been the victim of an incident of harassment / abuse, or have witnessed something during Games Time which concerns you regarding harassment and abuse.

Important considerations:

  • Confidentiality: Your identity will not be disclosed to persons beyond those responsible for investigating your report, without your explicit consent.
  • Anonymity: Any person can request to stay anonymous and such request will be respected by the IOC. However, we encourage that personal information is disclosed to enable appropriate follow up.
  • Click here for details regarding measures of protection and the process the IOC will undertake following the submission of a report.


Competition Manipulation
Integrity Non-Compliance (other than competition manipulation)
Harassment / Abuse in sport