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Marketing Programmes of the Organising Committees

Under the direction of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Organising Committees (OCOGs) manage their own commercial programmes to support the staging of the Games. Contracts are negotiated directly by the OCOG and are generally limited to the four-year Games period.

OCOG marketing programmes incorporate:

  • Olympic Games sponsorship and suppliership programmes (non-competing product categories to the TOP sponsors)
  • Olympic Games ticketing programmes
  • Olympic Games licensing programmes
Marketing programmes of the National Olympic Committees

National Olympic Committees (NOCs) manage local sponsorship programmes in non-competing categories to the TOP sponsors that support their sports development activities and Olympic teams. These sponsorship programmes grant Olympic marketing rights within the NOC country or territory only.

Olympic marketing programmes managed by the NOCs include:

  • National Olympic sponsorship and suppliership programmes that operate within the home country of the NOC
  • National Olympic licensing programmes.
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