Graduated from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst (Great Britain) (1997-1998)
Heir Apparent of the State of Qatar (2003-2013); Deputy Commander in Chief, Qatar Armed Forces (2003-2013); Commander in Chief, Qatar Armed Forces (2013-); Emir of the State of Qatar (2013-)
Sports practised
Football, tennis, swimming, falconry
Sports career
Member of the Al Sadd Club’s football team; member of the Qatari tennis team
Sports administration
President of Al Sadd Sports Club (1999-2000); President of the Qatar Olympic Committee (2000-2015); Chair of the Organising Committee for the XV Asian Games 2006 in Doha; Executive Committee Chairman of the Qatar Olympic Committee (2015-)
Other activities
President of the Supreme Council of Economic Affairs and Investment; President of the Supreme Committee for Coordination and Follow-up; President of the Board of Directors – Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (FIFA World Cup 2022)
IOC History
Elected as President of a National Olympic Committee; member of the Sport for All Commission (2003-2014)