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Anti Doping lab IOC / Furlong Christopher

The protection of the clean athlete by fighting against doping is a top priority for the IOC, which has established a zero-tolerance policy to combat cheating and to hold anyone responsible for using or providing doping products accountable.

A shift to more intelligent testing

The number of tests conducted during Olympic Games has increased over the years: up from 3,600 in Athens to over 5,000 in London. While this increase serves as a demonstration of the IOC's commitment to ensuring that athletes play fair, there is a greater shift towards using a more intelligent testing strategy through increased targeted out of competition tests In addition as a general rule, in competition finals all top five finishers plus a further two are tested.

Who does what?

As the ruling body for the Olympic Games, the IOC delegates the responsibility for implementing doping controls to the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), who act under the IOC’s authority. This is also true for the Youth Olympic Games, where the responsibility is delegated to the Organising Committee for the Youth Olympic Games. The IOC Medical and Scientific Commission is responsible for overseeing all doping control processes on-site, which are in full compliance with the IOC Anti-Doping Rules, the World Anti-Doping Code and the International Standard for Testing and Investigations.

Anti-doping rules for the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro in 2016
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) Application Form
Rio 2016 Athlete Location Information
Anti Doping Ad

The Olympic Movement Medical Code - Making the health of the athletes a priority

Discover the new version of the Olympic Movement Medical Code which applies to Olympic Games, beginning with the 2016 Rio Olympic Summer Games. The document defines basic rules regarding best medical practices in the domain of sport and the safeguarding of the rights and health of the athletes.

The Olympic Movement Medical Code

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