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  • During the Olympic Games a hotline for reporting possible violations is available: +41 800 12 14 16.
  • Any information related to cheating should be reported to the IOC Integrity Hotline:
  • Confidentiality is ensured.

Integrity and Compliance Hotline

Integrity Betting Intelligence System (IBIS):

Since the Olympic Games Beijing 2008, betting on all Olympic competitions has been monitored. Any irregular pattern reported was analysed, with national and international police forces, including INTERPOL, playing a vital role. Should an irregular pattern be detected or serious suspicion raised, a disciplinary commission can be set up by the IOC President.

In January 2014, the IOC created the Integrity Betting Intelligence System (IBIS) with the aim of:

  • supporting International Federations (IFs) and organisers of multisport events, including the Olympic Games, in the fight for clean competitions by providing them with alerts and intelligence via a centralised mechanism for the exchange of information. The IOC acknowledges the fact that football has developed its own mechanisms and has agreed on reciprocal support;
  • protecting clean athletes from any negative influence related to sports betting; and
  • creating a framework for transparency, confidentiality and trust between all stakeholders.
What does IBIS do?
  • IBIS collects and distributes information and intelligence related to sports betting for use by all stakeholders of the Olympic Movement.
  • As an IT platform, IBIS enables communication between all partners on the sports side and the different entities involved in sports betting through Single Points of Contact (SPOC).
Betting IBIS Diagram IOC

For a more detailed overview of IBIS, click here.

Statue in front of the Olympic Museum

Integrity and Compliance Hotline

This Hotline can be used to:

Report suspicious approaches or activities related to competition manipulation. For all football related reports, please use the existing reporting mechanisms of FIFA and UEFA. For all doping related reports, please contact the World Anti-Doping Agency or your national/regional responsible authority. Infringements of the IOC Code of Ethics or other matters including financial misconduct or other legal, regulatory and ethical breaches over which the IOC has jurisdiction.

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