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IOC / HUET, John
09 May 2016
Olympic Studies Centre

PhD Students Research Grant Programme 2017

The IOC Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) has launched the 2017 PhD Students Research Grant Programme intended for doctoral students engaged in scholarly research on the Olympic Movement, its history and ideals, and the impact of the Olympic Games on the various aspects of contemporary society and culture.

Two differentiated categories and objectives are proposed:

Category A: Open Subject

Encourage PhD students to undertake doctoral research with a humanities or social sciences perspective on any aspect of the Olympic phenomena. All projects dealing with the Olympic Movement and/or the Olympic Games will be considered.

Category B: National Olympic Committees’ Policy Priority

Encourage PhD students to undertake doctoral research with a humanities or social sciences perspective on topics of interest to the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of their country.

The category B is organised in collaboration with Olympic Solidarity.

The grant programme has a third objective common for both categories which is to promote consultation of IOC heritage by facilitating access to the historical archives, the library collections and the image archives of the IOC.

Who is eligible to apply?

All current postgraduate students enrolled in a PhD programme within the human and social sciences and having Olympism, Olympic sports or the Olympic Games as one of their research topics.

Rules, application form and deadline for submission

Application files, and any related correspondence, should be sent to the OSC by email ( before 30 September 2016. The complete explanatory document and the application form are available on our website.

Selection Committee

The Grant Programme Selection Committee is composed of experts who are world-renowned for their involvement in Olympic studies, and of OSC representatives.

Other research opportunities

University professors, lecturers and research fellows who have completed their doctorate and who currently hold an academic/research appointment covering the period of the grant are eligible to apply to the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme. This programme aims to promote advanced research by established researchers with a humanities or social sciences perspective in priority fields of research, which are identified annually by the IOC. See here for additional information.

For more information on The IOC Olympic Studies Centre, its resources, services and research grant programmes, visit our website ( or contact

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