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11 May 2015
Tokyo 2020 , IOC News

Tokyo 2020 Opens Application Process for 2020 Games Additional Events

Tokyo 2020 has opened its application process for additional events to be included at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. This follows the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s approval of Olympic Agenda 2020 last December, which gave Games organisers the possibility to propose one or more additional events to be included on the Olympic programme for their Games edition.

This process will be opened to all IOC Recognised International Federations (IFs) that control sports currently not on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games programme and that are not exclusively practised on snow or ice. Over the next four months, the Tokyo 2020 Additional Event Programme Panel will work to identify one or more additional events to be proposed by Tokyo 2020 to the IOC. Tokyo will make its proposal to the IOC by 30 September 2015. The final decision, in line with the Olympic Charter, will be made by the 129th IOC Session in Rio in August 2016.

The panel will base its work on the following key principles:

• The additional event(s) will serve as a driving force to promote the Olympic Movement and its values, with a focus on youth appeal
• The additional event(s) will add value to the Games by engaging the Japanese population and new audiences worldwide, reflecting the Tokyo 2020 Games vision
• The selection procedure will be open and fair

Phase 1 of the process will see all IOC Recognised IFs, which control sports currently not on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games programme and that are not exclusively practiced on snow or ice, invited to return response forms by 8 June 2015 to Tokyo 2020, if they wish to have events considered for the 2020 Games.

The Tokyo 2020 Additional Event Programme Panel will determine a shortlist of IFs and event(s) for further consideration. Phase 2 will begin on 22 June and will include the submission of further details from the shortlisted IFs and a presentation in Tokyo in front of the Panel. It will propose its recommendations to the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, which will make a final decision on the successful IFs and event(s) to be proposed to the IOC.

More information can be found on Tokyo 2020’s website. 

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