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One of the IOC’s roles is to encourage the promotion of ethics and good governance in the sports movement.

With this aim, the IOC has established in the first place the Ethics Commission, elected by the IOC Session. This body defines the Code of Ethics and, in case of violation of the ethics principles, investigates complaints and proposes sanctions. 

In 2015, as recommended in the Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC created the position of Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, whose mission is to assure compliance with ethical principles and good governance. 

Finally, the Ethics and Compliance Office fulfills a mission of prevention and monitoring related to risks linked to sports betting. One of the measures implemented is the IOC Integrity and Compliance Hotline, which allows reporting infringements of the Code of Ethics.

Code of Ethics

The IOC Code of Ethics is based upon the values and principles enshrined in the Olympic Charter, of which it forms an integral part. The Code is defined and updated by the IOC Ethics Commission.

Risks related to sports betting

The IOC’s ultimate goal is to protect clean athletes. We are therefore actively committed to fighting all forms of cheating in sport.

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