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  • Is it possible to use the content (texts, images or films) on
    • No part of the site may be copied, republished, stored in a data search and retrieval system, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written authorisation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

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  • What are the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s rules on exchanging links?
    • For outgoing links:
      The IOC’s policy on outgoing links (from to an external website) is to allow only associations, clubs and other organisations belonging to the Olympic Movement (National Olympic Committees [NOCs], Organising Committees for the Olympic Games [OCOGs], International Federations [IFs], commercial partners and IOC-recognised organisations) to have a link on

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      Links to are generally accepted. However, they must be in text form only, and use of the Olympic rings is strictly forbidden to anyone not entitled to use them. In addition, wherever possible, links should be to the home page of the website.
      In no cases may a link be used for commercial purposes.

Olympic documents

Visit the documents repository to find a list of all documents published on this website. This section contains the major reports, studies, publications and information regarding the Olympic Movement.

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Olympic studies

The IOC Olympic Studies Centre is the world source of reference for Olympic knowledge. As an integral part of the IOC, we are uniquely placed to provide the most accurate, relevant and up-to-date information on Olympism.

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