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Hassan Mohmed AL Sayed
· 5. јун 2016.
#Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religi...on, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
#لكل إنسان حق التمتع بجميع الحقوق والحريات الواردة في هذا الإعلان، دونما تمييز من أي نوع، كالتمييز بسبب العنصر أو اللون أو الجنس أو اللغة أو الدين أو الرأي سياسيا أو غير سياسي، أو الأصل القومي أو الاجتماعي أو الثروة أو الميلاد أو أي وضع آخر. وعلاوة على ذلك، لا يجوز إجراء أي تمييز أساسه الوضع السياسي أو القانوني أو الدولي للبلد أو الإقليم الذي ينتمي إليه الشخص، سواء أكان مستقلا، والثقة، غير المتمتعة بالحكم الذاتي أو خاضعا لأي قيد آخر على سيادته.
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Aboalharith Salman
· 15. август 2016.
Wish you more success in helping people who need you
Корисник UNHCR-Syria је поделио везу.
Amid the increasing challenges, the UN Refugee Agency in Syria was quick to mobilize its resources to respond to urgent needs for families in the besieged city of Moadamiyeh city in Rural Damascus and to residents of al-Waer and Talbisah in Homs.

On 25 September, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in #Syria took part in an inter-agency convoy covering the needs of 39,000 individuals in #Madaya and 1,000 individuals in #Zabadani in Rural-Damascus. UNHCR’s aid included solar lamps, child diapers and diapers for the elderly along with food, flour, hygiene kits and medical supplies supported by sister UN agencies and the International committee of the Red Cross.

These aid deliveries are the first to reach Madaya and Zabadani since last April 2016. Meanwhile, from the beginning of 2016, the UN and partners successfully delivered multi-sectorial assistance through inter-agency operations, reaching over 1.2 million civilians in besieged, hard-to-reach areas across the country.

Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria
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Displacement in the cold winter – Latakia - Syria
Children sing for Syria
رسالة تهنئة بحلول شهر رمضان المبارك من المفوض السامي للأمم الم...
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„Join #UNHCR team in #Syria
Please visit the links below to view the vacancies currently advertised in #Damascus & #Aleppo 

Snr Protection Assistant (Comm Based) - Damascus: goo.gl/3aqrC6
Admin/ Finance Associate - Aleppo: goo.gl/QXGFO8“
„On 25 September, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in #Syria took part in an inter-agency convoy covering the needs of  39,000 individuals in #Madaya and 1,000 individuals in #Zabadani in Rural-Damascus. UNHCR’s aid included solar lamps, child diapers and diapers for the elderly along with food, flour, hygiene kits and medical supplies supported by sister UN  agencies and the International committee of the Red Cross.

These aid deliveries are the first to reach Madaya and Zabadani since last April 2016. Meanwhile, from the beginning of 2016, the UN and partners successfully delivered multi-sectorial assistance through inter-agency operations, reaching over 1.2 million civilians in besieged, hard-to-reach areas across the country.“
„Omar and Abdullah celebrated passing their school exam after dropping out for about six years, thanks to the UNHCR accelerated #education program that aims to help the students inside #Syria to follow the curriculum and pass the final exams.

Thousands of children and adolescents in Syria are simply unable to continue their education due to displacement among other reasons. The program also helps those who dropped out of school to catch up with what they missed during their displacement.

Read story: goo.gl/pEbtsc“
Корисник UNHCR-Syria је поделио везу.
Amid the increasing challenges, the UN Refugee Agency in Syria was quick to mobilize its resources to respond to urgent needs for families in the besieged city of Moadamiyeh city in Rural Damascus and to residents of al-Waer and Talbisah in Homs.

On 25 September, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in #Syria took part in an inter-agency convoy covering the needs of 39,000 individuals in #Madaya and 1,000 individuals in #Zabadani in Rural-Damascus. UNHCR’s aid included solar lamps, child diapers and diapers for the elderly along with food, flour, hygiene kits and medical supplies supported by sister UN agencies and the International committee of the Red Cross.

These aid deliveries are the first to reach Madaya and Zabadani since last April 2016. Meanwhile, from the beginning of 2016, the UN and partners successfully delivered multi-sectorial assistance through inter-agency operations, reaching over 1.2 million civilians in besieged, hard-to-reach areas across the country.

Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria

20 young Syrian men and women joined hands to find a peaceful space for the vulnerable #children affected by the conflict in #Syria.

Today, Chila, the group of art students concluded the first step of their initiative, where they volunteered to learn how to support those children then provide them with all the support they can.

The event included a play to reflect the suffering of the children caught up in the conflict, a dual painting show and a gallery of paintings that th...e children drew themselves.

Their initiative was supported by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency’s Community-Based Initiative fund with the support of our partner Al Nada charity.

The inspiring group announced that the event is not to celebrate the end of Chila but to announce its launch. "We only just began! Chila will continue and we’ll print more smiles on children faces along the way.” Said Nour, a volunteer in Chila Group.

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Omar and Abdullah celebrated passing their school exam after dropping out for about six years, thanks to the UNHCR accelerated #education program that aims to help the students inside #Syria to follow the curriculum and pass the final exams.

Thousands of children and adolescents in Syria are simply unable to continue their education due to displacement among other reasons. The program also helps those who dropped out of school to catch up with what they missed during their displacement.

Read story: goo.gl/pEbtsc

Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria

These are the people of #Moadamieh who need humanitarian assistance. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and UN agencies working in #Syria delivered yesterday life saving aid to over 35,000 Syrians living in the besieged town, in cooperation with Syrian Arab Red Crescent - الهلال الأحمر العربي السوري.

There are 13.5 Million Syrians who need at least one kind of humanitarian assistance in Syria today. 6.5 Million of them had to flee the danger of armed conflict, and are now displaced withing their own country. The UN and its partners stand ready to deliver to millions of Syrians in need and especially to those in hard to reach and besieged areas.

Photo: © UNHCR \ B. Diab

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
Albert Einstien

Today Marks the #InternationalDayofPeace, This day is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.


This day comes after an eventful day for people in Syria and for Refugees around the globe.

Yesterday, we mourned our humanitarian colleagues after the attack on humanitarian workers while delivering aid in a UN Inter-Agency convoy in Big Orem in Aleppo, #Syria. This also resulted in destroyed food, nutrition, health and other supplies urgently needed by thousands of civilians, as well as a Syrian Arab Red Crescent warehouse and health clinic. goo.gl/GOq3ur

We also welcomed the significant new support committed by governments to improve protection and solutions for refugees at the Leaders’ Summit on Global Refugees, convened along the UN General Assembly’s Summit for Refugees and Migrants.

The 50 states and organizations participating in the summit have increased their contributions to humanitarian appeals in 2016 by $4.5 billion and made commitments to support the education of at least one million refugee children, and to support one million adult refugees in training and finding job offers.

“UNHCR is hugely encouraged to see the strong political commitments in the New York Declaration made immediately tangible through the new, concrete actions announced by governments today,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi.

“International solidarity for refugees means governments stepping up and providing fast, predictable funding, investing in host countries and communities, and giving refugees the right to live, work or study in their countries – and through that, a fighting chance to rebuild their lives.”

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Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria

In the biggest crisis in this era, not only human lives were affected but also the life of the insects responsible for pollinating 70% of pollination-dependent food, bees.

Mohammad, 28, used to own 102 bee colonies, he used to travel around the country in order to create different kinds of honey, whether it’s based on the nectar of the Coriander flower, Cotton flower or Anesin flower.

After losing not only his bees but also his house and livelihood due to the ongoing crisis i...n Syria, Mohammad never lost his hope and determination. He applied to UNHCR’s Small Business Grant program implemented by Al-Nada Association.

Mohammad bought 10 new bee colonies that now grew to 25, but he can no longer take his bees in tours around the country. He and his bees are waiting for peace to prevail so they can produce the finest honey in Syria.

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Објавио/ла: UNHCR-Syria
1435 прегледа
1,4 хиљ. прегледа

The small children in Rasass Shelter in #Swaida were watching attentively the breath-taking plot twist of the puppet show during Al-Adha Eid activities.

An enjoyment that goes back to hundreds of year in #Syria, where people used to gather in public placed to enjoy the stories of Al-Hakawati (The story-teller)

Our partners, Bara’em Association for Children Care and Syria Trust celebrated the Adha Eid with over 250 children living in the shelter.


The activities varied between recreational and Psycho-Social Support. It included performances, mini-cinema, coloring, dancing, painting on the faces and distribution of gifts.

Photo: Bara'em Association for Children Care

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Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria
Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria

يقوم مكتب المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين في سوريا بطلب تقديم عروض أسعار من الشركات العاملة في مجال المقاولات وخدمات البناء والتشييد لتوفير خدمة بناء مطابخ جماعية لمخيم الهول – محافظة #القامشلي .

طلب تقديم العروض : RFP/HCR/SYR/16/46

تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تتقدم بطلب الحصول على أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي عبر مراسلة البريدين الإلكترونيين: bauriedl@unhcr.org و hasanmi@unhcr.org ...
قبل تاريخ 28/09/2016

يتعين على الشركة الراغبة باستلام أوراق المناقصة ذكر رقم طلب التقديم أعلاه في عنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل
يجب ارسال العروض عبر عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الموجود في أوراق المناقصة الفقرة 2.6.

الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض:09/10/2016

UNHCR, the UN Refugees Agency in Syria invites qualified service providers to make a firm offer for the provision of Construction Services for Communal Kitchens in Al Hol Camp in #Qamishli Governorate.

Request For Proposal: RFP/HCR/SYR/16/46

All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (RFP) by a formal request to both emails: bauriedl@unhcr.org & hasanmi@unhcr.org before 28/09/2016. The email request must include the tender reference number mentioned above in the subject line.

Offers can be submitted only via email through the email address dedicated inside the RFP, according to the guidelines set forth in part 2.6 of the tender documents.

The Deadline for submission of your offer is 09/10/2016

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Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria

في عيد الأضحى المبارك، ساهم المتطوعون والعاملون في مركز النماء الاجتماعي في مدينة #حلب بإدخال البهجة إلى قلوب الأطفال من خلال فعاليتهم الاحتفالية "هيا نمرح"

تضمنت الفعالية نشاطات مختلفة منها النشاطات المسرحية، الرقص والرسم، وانتهت بتوزيع هدايا العيد للأطفال.
"كانت ضحكات الأطفال تنسينا حرارة الطقس والظروف الصعبة، ساعدتنا هذه الضحكات على الاستمتاع وتخطي جميع العقبات." قالت إحدى المتطوعات في المركز.


يساهم المجهود الكبير الذي يبذله فريق الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي في رفع معنويات الأطفال ومساعدتهم على تخطي الظروف الصعبة التي يعشونها

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يقوم مكتب المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين في سوريا باستدراج عروض أسعار من الشركات العاملة ضمن اراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية _ لشراء وتوريد ثلاث مجموعات توليد كهربائية (مولدات) لصالح المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في محافظة #السويداء.
دعوة لمناقصة رقم : ITB/HCR/SYR/16/48

تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تتقدم بطلب الحصول على أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني albonny@unhcr.org


يتعين على الشركة الراغبة باستلام أوراق المناقصة ذكر رقم المناقصة في عنوان البريد الإلكتروني المرسل
يجب ارسال العروض عبر عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الموجود في أوراق المناقصة الفقرة 2.6.

الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض:09/10/2016

UNHCR, the UN Refugees Agency in Syria seeks offers from interested Suppliers for the supply and delivery three generator sets for UNHCR operations in Sweida.

All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (ITB) by a formal request to email address albonny@unhcr.org . The email request must include the tender reference number in the subject line.

Offers can be submitted only via email through the email address dedicated inside the ITB, according to the guidelines set forth in part 2.6 of the tender documents.

The Deadline for submission of your offer is 09/10/2016

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Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria

Join #UNHCR team in #Syria
Please visit the links below to view the vacancies currently advertised in #Damascus & #Aleppo

Snr Protection Assistant (Comm Based) - Damascus: goo.gl/3aqrC6
Admin/ Finance Associate - Aleppo: goo.gl/QXGFO8

Фотографија корисника UNHCR-Syria