
Welcome to Calais

For thousands of people fleeing war and persecution at home, the French port of Calais feels like a point of no return.

4 Dec 2014

Syrian refugees face new hunger threat

As winter sets in, a funding crisis forces the World Food Programme to suspend critical food assistance for 1.7 million Syrian refugees.

2 Dec 2014

An Uncle Throws a Lifeline

Biel fled South Sudan with his pregnant wife. Now caring for five nephews orphaned by illness and war, he pins his hopes on education.

27 Nov 2014

Orphans in the Kitchen

Surrounded by trauma and heartbreak, one refugee finds a new calling: cooking and caring for children who have lost their parents in wartime.

24 Nov 2014

Inside the triangle of death

Rich in minerals, Katanga is a magnet for conflict. Burned villages dot the landscape and women's bodies are part of the battleground.

18 Nov 2014

A Family Made Whole Again

Idris was separated from his wife and sons as they fled the fighting in Central African Republic. Eight agonizing months later, they reunite.

17 Nov 2014

A Deafening Silence

After months of fear and a desperate escape, a group of Syrian refugees finally reaches safety in northern Iraq. Yet there is no rejoicing.

12 Nov 2014

Family Ties

Syrian Kurds used to visit Turkey for joyful reunions with relatives. Now, with nowhere else to turn, many are moving in for the long haul.

10 Nov 2014

Starting over

Nearly 1 million people have sought refuge in Iraq's Kurdistan region. Among them: a nun, a wedding singer and a pair of "nerds" fleeing ISIS.

7 Nov 2014