London Syria Conference: World leaders urged to help Syrians

Global leaders and the humanitarian community are meeting in London to pledge support for millions of Syrians and the region affected by nearly five years of crisis.

3 Feb 2016

Do not risk your lives, Grandi tells Eritrean refugees

Need to improve schooling and chances for worthwhile life in the region so that young Eritreans fleeing their country can avoid risky sea crossings, High Commissioner says during first Africa visit.

2 Feb 2016

UNHCR aid reaches Syrian town cut off for three years

Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy delivers much-needed aid to 1,300 people in Al-Mleiha, a town near Damascus that has been largely isolated by fighting since 2013.

2 Feb 2016

Fighting in eastern DRC forces thousands to flee

Clashes between militias, rebel groups since November have driven tens of thousands of people from their homes.

29 Jan 2016

OECD and UNHCR back increased refugee integration

Two organizations urge governments to step up efforts to help refugees integrate and contribute to the societies and economies of Europe.

28 Jan 2016

Congolese refugees flee new South Sudan fighting

Renewed insecurity in Equatoria states forces refugees to flee again and aid groups to leave temporarily.

28 Jan 2016

As security improves in Timbuktu, refugee family returns

Some 41,000 refugees who fled Mali after conflict erupted in 2012 have since returned home as a fragile peace agreement signed in mid-2015 has taken hold.

27 Jan 2016

UNHCR, IOM seek US$550 million to aid refugees, migrants in Europe

The appeal, backed by some 65 partner organizations, aims at funding humanitarian operations in 2016 across affected European countries.

26 Jan 2016

UNHCR seeks US$545 million for Nigeria and CAR crises

Regional Refugee Response Plans seek US$198.76 million for Nigerian refugees and US$345.7 million for CAR refugees and their hosts.

25 Jan 2016