Over 300,000 refugees and migrants cross Med so far in 2016

Numbers crossing sea to Europe in first nine months of 2016 are down on last year, but higher than whole of 2014.

20 Sep 2016

UN Summit commits to protect refugee, migrant rights

UN General Assembly Summit for Refugees and Migrants adopts key commitments to safeguard those on the move.

19 Sep 2016

UNHCR airlifts aid to Uganda as thousands arrive from South Sudan

Thousands of refugees fleeing violence and human rights violations in South Sudan benefit from major aid operation.

19 Sep 2016

Refugees chief meets Pope Francis to discuss global displacement crisis

Filippo Grandi expressed deep appreciation for the Pope's advocacy and efforts to bring attention to refugees and internally displaced people.

17 Sep 2016

Refugees fleeing South Sudan pass one million mark

With this milestone, South Sudan joins Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia as countries which have produced more than a million refugees.

16 Sep 2016

UNHCR #WithRefugees petition heads to UN Secretary-General

With over 1.3 million signatures, the petition will be handed to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and General Assembly President Peter Thomson in New York.

16 Sep 2016

UN Secretary-General receives UNHCR #WithRefugees petition

UNHCR chief hands #WithRefugees petition with more than 1.2 million signatures to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN General Assembly in New York.

16 Sep 2016

Displaced three times, but retired Ukraine teacher stays upbeat

Eighty-five-year-old Vira is among thousands of vulnerable elderly people snared in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, their lives turned upside down.

15 Sep 2016

Mobile connectivity a lifeline for refugees, report finds

New study by UNHCR and Accenture finds mobile phone and internet access is as critical to refugees' safety and security as food, shelter and water.

14 Sep 2016