Protection Unit - Volunteer
The US Protection Unit (USPU) Asylum seeker and Refugee Assistance Project (ARAP) provides basic information services to vulnerable populations under the UNHCR mandate – asylum seekers, refugees, and stateless individuals - via phone, email, and mail. Calls are received every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2-5 pm. The majority of individuals contacting the ARAP directly are asylum seekers and refugees in immigration detention. The ARAP also receives requests for assistance from family members and attorneys. In response, the ARAP provides asylum related self-help materials, as well as country of origin information and lists of NGOs and low cost attorneys in the region where the individual is located. The ARAP also identifies individuals with special needs related to prolonged detention and abuse for more direct consultation by the USPU. Other forms of assistance are also facilitated through this project, including NGO referrals through specifically coordinated partnerships and refugee verification requests to UNHCR branch offices overseas.
U.S. Protection Unit – Asylum seeker and Refugee Assistance Project
Duties and Responsibilities of the volunteer may include:
Open and maintain individual case files in UNHCR database;
Answer and respond to individual queries from asylum seekers and other persons of concern to UNHCR, including answering calls and mail correspondence from individuals in immigration detention; and
Conduct research for individual cases.
Qualifications and Experience:
Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree, either already obtained or in-process;
Strong interest in refugee rights, international relations, human rights and humanitarian response;
Familiarity with Microsoft Access databases a plus;
Fluency in English required; Fluency in Spanish preferred; proficiency in other languages welcome.
Commit to a full day of training at UNHCR’s Washington, DC office (date to be determined) and then a minimum of 5 hours a week for a minimum of ten weeks.
Please send resume, cover letter, time period available, and the contact information of two references to:
US Protection Counselor - UNHCR,
1800 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-296-5660
Or by email to Note in the subject line “U.S. PROTECTION UNIT – Volunteer position”.
Applications are received on a rolling basis.