Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean


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End of large scale pre-registration on mainland Greece 01/08/2016
More than 15,500 asylum-seekers currently living on mainland Greece have now received temporary cards, valid for one year 04/07/2016
GREECE: UNHCR concerned at conditions in new refugee sites and urges that alternatives be found 27/05/2016
UN Refugee Agency kicked off a series of training workshops this week in Greece to provide additional tools on how to strengthen coordination 16/05/2016
Greek Asylum Service will start soon registration of asylum seekers residing in open reception facilities in the mainland with support by UNHCR and EASO 14/05/2016
Syrian refugee carries Olympic flame through Athens to show solidarity with the world's refugees at a time when millions are fleeing war and persecution 26/04/2016
Cooperation Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction (Alternate Minister for Migration Policy) and UNHCR for provision of assistance to refugees 23/04/2016
Survivors report massive loss of life in latest Mediterranean Sea tragedy 20/04/2016
UNHCR chief lauds Pope's solidarity with refugees on his visit to the Greek island of Lesvos and by offering a home to three Syrian families. 16/04/2016
Reception conditions and the asylum system in Greece must be rapidly strengthened in implementation of EU-Turkey deal (UNHCR). 18/03/2016

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