
Escape to Samos

Hundreds of Syrian refugees make the treacherous journey to Samos Island in Greece. Only some of them find sanctuary.

15 Jul 2014

Crossing to safety, and heartache

Refugees are risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea. For a blind couple from Syria, the quest for asylum has brought new sorrow.

11 Jul 2014

Hunger, and hard choices, for Africa's struggling refugees

Across the continent, funding shortfalls and insecurity are forcing steep cuts in food rations for many of the most vulnerable.

1 Jul 2014

A risky quest for food

In eastern Chad, food shortages are exposing vulnerable Sudanese women and girls to hunger, exploitation and abuse.

1 Jul 2014

Finding safety, yet little to eat

They escaped a terrifying conflict in Central African Republic. Now, as refugees in southern Chad, thousands struggle with drastic food cuts.

1 Jul 2014

Rokia Traoré visits Burkina Faso

In her own words, Goodwill Ambassador Rokia Traoré introduces us to some of the Malian refugees she met in Goudoubo camp

31 Jun 2014

A grandmother's wish

After 18 years in exile, Baw Meh longs for home. On World Refugee Day, she shared her family's story with UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie.

22 Jun 2014

The Beautiful Game

Young Shifaa lost many things when she fled Syria. But in exile she has found new friends – and a passion for football.

11 Jun 2014

The Charcoal Boys

Anas should be at school with friends. But like a growing number of Syrian refugee children, he is working to survive.

6 Jun 2014