
A teenage refugee champions girls' education

A passionate advocate for the education of girls and young women in Jordan's refugee camps, Muzon has been hailed as Syria's answer to Malala.

25 Nov 2015

The Keleti Passage

An art project in Hungary showcases refugees and volunteers whose lives intersected at Budapest's central train station.

23 Nov 2015

Lesvos: Crossing to safety

As thousands of refugees land daily on the Greek island of Lesvos, world-renowned photographer Giles Duley documents the relief and suffering of reaching dry land.

19 Nov 2015

Humans of Lesvos

Street photographer Brandon Stanton takes 'Humans of New York' on the road, profiling refugees, volunteers and aid workers in Europe.

17 Nov 2015

Songs of love and exile in the Sahara

Musicians fleeing conflict in Mali keep their culture alive in a remote corner of Mauritania.

13 Nov 2015

The kids foraging for a future

In the Dominican Republic, thousands of stateless children are struggling to secure their right to a nationality.

3 Nov 2015

Vulnerable and looking for a home

The very young, the aged and the disabled face especially difficult challenges while waiting to cross borders in Europe.

28 Oct 2015

As war drags on, athletes cry foul

They were at the top of their game when fighting shook the Central African Republic. Now living as refugees, six stars wonder if they'll ever compete at that level again.

27 Oct 2015

Return to Somalia

Ali worried that his young children would never meet their grandma or see the ocean. Now, after five years in exile, they are going home to Kismayo.

22 Oct 2015