UNHCR sets out detailed plan to solve refugee situation in Europe

Ahead of key EU-Turkey meeting, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi warns Europe is running out of time.

4 Mar 2016

Call to prayer helps dentist's Muslim patients feel at home

Somali dentist, once a refugee herself, fills in the gaps for new arrivals in Norway.

3 Mar 2016

UNHCR aid reaches besieged Syrian town of Moadamiyeh

Convoy of 51 trucks carrying blankets, tarpaulins and hygiene items was the first to reach the town since a cessation of hostilities on February 27.

1 Mar 2016

UNHCR warns of imminent humanitarian crisis in Greece

Disarray in Europe over asylum as governments fail to work together to implement already reached agreements.

1 Mar 2016

UNHCR highlights right to safe return for refugees in Cameroon

Assistant High Commissioner for Protection Volker Türk vows to work with Cameroon and Nigeria to safeguard refugees' right to voluntary return.

26 Feb 2016

UNHCR, UNICEF launch plan to protect refugee women and children

Blue Dot hubs to boost protection for children and families on the move across Europe.

26 Feb 2016

Reducing statelessness in Côte d'Ivoire one case at a time

Some 6,400 Ivorians have gained nationality certificates in the past two years as West African States redouble their efforts to eradicate statelessness.

25 Feb 2016

Grandi warns of critical refugee bottleneck in Greece

UN High Commissioner fears closures in the Balkans could create enormous and critical refugee bottleneck

25 Feb 2016

UNHCR calls on Nigeria to heed wishes of internally displaced

Assistant High Commissioner Volker Türk also met IDPs in Borno and Yola states and was deeply moved by their courage and resilience after so much suffering.

23 Feb 2016